6 O n behalf of the faithful at Saint Spyridon Greek Or- thodox Church, we welcome you to our 52nd Greek Festi- val here on Park Blvd. The Greek Orthodox faithful of our community welcome you into their “labor of love.” This labor of love is born from their great sense of hospitality. This spirit of hospital- ity is so strong and so important that the Church Fathers of the Orthodox Church say that in many cases hospitality comes before prayer. Therefore, it is in this spirit that the faithful of our community will attempt to serve you this weekend. It is our hope and prayer that you will enjoy every aspect of our dynamic culture. It is our hope that you will partake in our delicious food and drink, our dance and music and become part of the Greek ambience being created over the weekend. I per- sonally look forward to seeing you at one (or more) of the church tours, in an effort to provide the community with a better understanding of who and what we are as Greek Orthodox Christians. Once again, we welcome you to our community and hope that you will enjoy being Greek for a day or for the entire weekend. If you have questions about our Greek Orthodox Christian faith please do not hesitate to approach me. In His Service, Fr. Andrew Scordalakis Parish Priest, Saint Spyridon G.O.C. Welcome! Σ ας καλωσορίζουμε όλους σας στο 52ο Φεστιβάλ της κοινότητάς μας, τού Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα. Προσκαλούμε εσάς, την οικογένειά σας και τούς φίλους σας να δοκιμάσετε τίς πικάντικες ποικιλίες των φαγητών μας, να απολαύσετε τη ζωντανή μου- σική, και να νοιώσετε τον παλμό των παραδοσιακών Ελληνικών χορών μέσω των χορευτικών μας συγκροτημάτων. Σας ευχόμαστε καλή διασκέδαση και ο Άγιος Σπυρίδωνας να σας χαρίζει υγεία και ό,τι άλλο επιθυμείτε. Και τού χρόνου πάλι μαζί!