7 I t is with great joy and excitement that we wel- come you to experience our Greek culture and hospitality this weekend. Our committees have worked very hard with the preparations, from the live entertainment to the handmade Greek delica- cies we make on our premises. So enjoy this au- thentic Greek experience, try something new, and get up and dance! The Festival Steering Committee: Art Balourdas, Anthea Diem, Marian Dougenis, Julie Karagianides, Alexandra Mouzas, James Pappas, Stella Pappas, Christoforos Savvides, Stephen Thiros, Nektarios Tradas, Spero Tzathas Please support our advertisers in this 2024 Greek Festival brochure W e would like to welcome you to the 2024 Greek Festival. The Greek word for hospital- ity, “Philoxenia” translates to “friend to a stranger.” For Greeks though, it has a much deeper meaning creating an unspoken rule to express generosity and courtesy to a stranger. For in showing hos- pitality to strangers, some have entertained an- gels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2) While you may arrive as a stranger, we hope you will leave a friend. We hope that as you wander about enjoying the food and listening to the music, you will have the opportunity to experience the richness of the Greek culture and be touched by the love from an Orthodox heart. The Saint Spyridon Parish Council: James Gilpin, Parish Council President Spero Tzathas -1st Vice-President Jim Pappas - 2nd Vice-President Stephen Thiros - Treasurer Ben De La Riva - Assistant Treasurer Anthony Kyriakidis - Secretary Art Balourdas, Rhad Brown, Robert Dennis, Constantine Dougenis, John Georges, John Kalas, Stella Pappas, Christoforos Savvides, Haralambos Terpo Welcome!