
11 THE SHEPHERD • JANUARY 2020 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO To make reser vations for the Epiphany Celebration and Luncheon, please return this por tion with your payment, payable to Saint Spyridon G.O.C., no later than January 6, 2020. Saint Spyridon G.O.C. • 3655 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92103 Name: _________________________________________________ There will be _____ adults and ______ children under 12 attending Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ _____________________ SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 2020 SHERATON SAN DIEGO HOTEL & MARINA 1380 HARBOR ISLAND DR., SAN DIEGO 92101 CROSS DIVE - Divers needed! To participate, please contact Christoforos Savvides at 619-709-6067 or ChristopherSavvides@hotmail.com . Divers must be GOYA age and stay for the lunceheon. Diver confirmations must be made by December 17. LUNCHEON - Stay for the luncheon and help us congratulate this year’s recipient(s) of the Leon Balaban Award. Seating is limited, so call the Church office to make your reservations soon. ADULTS: $40 - CHILDREN UNDER 12: $15 For more information call the Church office at 619-297-4165 or email office@stspyridon.org PAID RESERVATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED INTHE CHURCH OFFICE BY JANUARY 6, 2020 SA I NT SPYR I DON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH CELEBRATES Ep i phany Day Θ Ε Ο Φ Α Ν Ε Ι Α Fi y- ve seniors gathered on Tuesday, De- cember 10, 2019 to celebrate friendship and enjoyed a delicious lunch hosted by Vicky Mellos and assisted by her wonder- ful friends. Guest speaker Scott Pirrello of the District Attorney’s o€ce enlightened the group regarding scams aimed at senior citi- zens and how to avoid being taken advantage of. Toys were collected for children of mili- tary families. e group decided to have a pizza party at our next get-together on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 11:00 . From the seniors, we hope everyone had a Blessed Christmas. May ev- eryone have a healthy, happy new year ! Respectfully, George J. Stathopoulos SENIORS Greetings & Announcements Personal Submit your congratulatory and personal greetings and announcements for any occasion such as Name Days, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, etc. You may even submit special messages for less than fortunate circumstances, such as condolences and memorials. Messages are only $20 for 150 characters or less. Inclusion of a small photo is $5 extra. To submit your greeting, contact Marian Dougenis at mkdougenis@prodigy.net Thank you for your support! Your greetings help make the publishing of this newsletter possible.