
5 THE SHEPHERD • JANUARY 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL Καλή Χρονιά! (Kalí Hroniá) Happy New Year! Speaking on behalf of the entire team of teachers and staff at our Greek School, we hope you all got to create some meaningful and won- derful memories together with your loved ones during the holidays. May 2023 be filled with peace, happiness, kindness, awareness, and inspiration for the entire world! At the Greek School, we are just a few weeks away from the end of the Fall semester. All necessary preparations are currently being made and we are all so looking forward to welcoming continuing and new students for the Spring semester! Do you want to learn Greek? Regis- trations are open! Sign up now for Spring Semester! We offer Modern Greek classes for all levels and ages, from Kindergarten students to Adults! Children's classes are only in-person. Adult classes are both in-person and online. All class- es meet once a week for 2 hours, 18 week per semester! e Spring 2023 Semester Dates are: February 1, 2023 - June 9, 2023 REGISTER HERE: www.stspyridongreekschool.org We take our mission seriously and feel it is crucial to continually invest energy and resources in order to de- liver the best possible educational circumstances for the students. Our teaching team has worked really hard this year and we are all proud to implement several changes in the teaching structure and Greek School curriculum, aiming to engage our students to an enhanced and immer- sive learning experience. • Introducing meticulously struc- tured syllabi for every level • Focusing on increasing Greek vo- cabulary • Securing fixed timeframe per class for speaking • Introducing midterm examina- tions • Introducing parent-teacher con- ferences in the middle and end of each semester • Introducing detailed progress re- ports at the end of each semester Do you want to teach Greek? We need you! Do you speak Greek and are interest- ed in culturally enhancing people’s lives through language instruction? We have openings for all age groups. Contact us now at: (619) 800-8355 stspyridongreekschool@gmail.com www.stspyridongreekschool.org 3655 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92103 It is a privilege and pleasure to serve our community through sharing our love for that beautiful and multidi- mensional language! eocharis Papatrechas Greek Language School Director 4 YOUTH MINISTRIES AT THE CORONADO FERRY LANDING 619.435.1225 WWW.SPIROSCAFE.COM Best Greek food in the region Draft beer varieties Imported & domestic wine Spacious indoor/outdoor seating Panoramic views of S.D. Bay Catering Available BEST GREEK FOOD SINCE 2002 ly in the cold outdoors, late at night for the Parking Lot Fundraiser. It was inspiring to see kids and adults help direct cars, hand out hot chocolate, and coax cars into our lot. And final- ly, we are grateful for our kids who come to practice every Sunday! It was thrilling to watch them perform at the Marie Curie Community Fair, and the Angels Christmas party. And more performances are forthcoming in 2023! For information on dance, call or text 714-931-2431, or email stspyridondance@gmail.com