
1 THE SHEPHERD • JANUARY 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO FROM THE DESK OF FATHER ANDREW www.theshepherdnews.com The Shepherd Newsletter My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, During the month of January, the next major feast day the Church will celebrate is the Baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This profound event is called Holy Epiphany , which means manifestation or appearance (of God). On this blessed day God revealed Himself in the Holy Scriptures as a Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. From the Gospel of Matthew 3:13-17 and Luke 3:21; 22, we are remind- ed of that reality. From the New Testament Gospel lessons, we hear the voice of the God the Father; God the Son is Baptized ; and God the Holy Spirit descends like a dove . Thus, the time of Christ’s Baptism is one event where the manifestation of God as a Trinity is re- vealed to those who have ears to hear . An Epiphany took place that day as Jesus was publicly proclaimed as God the Son, the sec- ond person of the Holy Trinity. Through our Baptism we are sanctified, pu- rified and set apart. Our Baptism marks us as Orthodox Christians, and we become God’s own (special) people, zealous for good works (Titus 2:14). This is what Saint Peter writes about what we become after Baptism: You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy na- tion, God’s own people, so that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were no people but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy (I Peter 2:9-10). My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, from Ro- mans 3:23 we are reminded … all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God . In other words, at our Baptisms we were made clean but as time goes by our Baptismal waters may become muddied . Epiphany is one of the many times that we as Orthodox Christians revisit our Baptisms . Through the drinking and sprinkling of the waters blessed through the services for the Blessing of the Waters (of- fered on the day of Epiphany: Jan. 6th) we are given the opportunity to be made clean (again), to be purified (again), to be sanctified (again), and set apart, to restart our spiritual journeys, which may have been derailed for whatever reason and/or because of sin. This year January 6, 2024 falls on a Saturday. After the celebration of the Divine Liturgy we will offer up our prayers and ask God to bless the waters . On that day, we will ask the same Holy Spirit that was present at Jesus’ baptism to be present with us (again). We will ask the same Holy Spirit to bless, purify and sanctify the waters so that the blessings of God may descend upon those present. On that day we will pray that the water may become for us a gift of sanctification, and deliverance of sins, for the healing of soul and body, that it (the water) may be for the averting of every snare of the enemy, those seen and unseen; for those who draw of it and take it for the sanctification of their homes, let us pray to the Lord. END NOTE: As a reminder, and as is cus- tomary to our ancient Orthodox Christian faith, I will begin blessing homes starting Tuesday, January 9, 2024 and will need to end before the season of the Triodion which begins on Sunday, February 25, 2024. One major reason/purpose for the blessing of your home or place of business can be found within the Kontakion hymn for Epiphany: The priest comes to mark your home or busi- ness as a Christian dwelling, a place where Christ abides; thus, seeking God’s blessing, guidance, protection and illumination. If you would like your home or place of business blessed during the season of Epiphany please call the church office. Χρόνια Πολλά! − Many Good Years! - To you and your family in the New Year and always, +A The Shepherd The official newsletter publication for the parish of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church of San Diego I S S U E 3 3 2 • J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 4 IN THIS ISSUE FR. ANDREW ............................................. p. 1 PRESIDENT OF THE PARISH COUNCIL, STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE................... p. 2 DIVINE SERVICES, HOLY SACRAMENTS, MEMORIALS, NEWS FROM THE LOFT, DEATHS, SENIORS ....................................p. 3 YOUTH MINISTRIES ................................. p. 4 DANCE & CHORAL .................................. p. 6 GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL ................ p. 7 PARISH FEAST DAY .................................. p.8 PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS .......................... p. 9 PARISH CALENDAR ................................. p. 10 BOOKSTORE .............................................. p. 11 CONTACT INFORMATION....................... p. 12