
3 THE SHEPHERD • FEBRUARY 2021 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7: 16th Sunday of Matthew Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : II Corinthians 6:1-10 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 25:14-30 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14: Sunday of the Canaanite Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : II Corinthians 6:16-18, 7:1 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 15:21-28 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21: Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee - Triodion Begins Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : II Timothy 3:10-15 ✟ Gospel : Luke 18:10-14 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28: Sunday of the Prodigal Son Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : I Corinthians 6:12-20 ✟ Gospel : Luke 15:11-32 one. The team worked a to renovate the storage area ation started with demolition he supply roomwalls.Post that, as lined-up, creating a bigger, graded andmore economical helving and s/s tables.We still atwe plan to complete in the k to the following (yes,we took ks: Spero Tzathas,Mike Platis, d AnthonyKyriakidis. Finally,a effort tokeepourstorage room rying tonot leavepersonalstuff η ανακαίνηση της αποθήκης υ δούλεψε σκληρά ελπίζει να την τάξη, λειτουργικότητα, και , που όντως εξυπηρετεί όλους DIVINE SERVICES DEATHS DEC 6: Nicholas Pappas 92 years old DEC 19: Athanasia (Pat) Scangos 88 years old DEC 25: Elena Orselli 85 years old BAPTISMS FEB 28: Elias George Koutros Godfather: Harry Koutros 2 WOMEN OF THE WORD 1 FR. ANDREW Greetings Friends of the Choir, February is American Heart Month and Go Red for Women. Did you know that heart disease is the num- ber 1 killer for women above Cancer and anything else? So what does it mean to “Go Red for Women?” e rst Friday each February, American Heart Month, the nation comes to- gether, igniting a wave of red from coast to coast. From landmarks to news anchors, neighborhoods to online communi- ties; this annual groundswell unites millions of people for a common goal: the eradication of heart disease and stroke. Won’t you all join me and wear your red on Friday, February 5th ? In conjunction with American Heart Month, our Philoptochos will be having their membership drive on Saturday, February 27th at 11:00am via Zoom. I will be giving a healthy cooking demonstrating using Pam- pered Chef product to promote healthy eating but also kick o Philoptochos’ virtual fundraiser with Pampered Chef. Anyone can join. See the yer [on page 7] for more in- formation. Lastly, we want to wish our Fr. An- drew a very, happy birthday! May God grant you many more years. We hope that you have a nice celebration with your family at home. We will all be thinking of you. Singing His Praises! Katherine Loukatos Meck Choir Master NEWS LOFT FROM THE MEMORIALS 40-DAY BLESSINGS FEB 12: Rhea Marie Daughter of Matthew and Katherine Holt JAN 10: Christina Tzathas 6 months JAN 17: Alexandru Dinescu 23 years JAN 24: Mary Chrisos 1 year Sultana (Nitsa) Crosby 17 years Ray Crosby 45 years JAN 31: Tesfamichael Semera 17 years So a Kanakaris 6 months Bill Kanakaris 1 year world’s values and pleasures. Mind (Gr. Nous) is more than the intellect; it is the highest faculty of human nature, encompassing the mind and heart.” May God help us all as we travel on that pathway in this world to the kingdom that can grow in our hearts. With Love in Christ, + e Women of the Word Bible Study Group Contact information: susanmiserlis@gmail.com So, my Brothers and Sisters, “…love one another with broth- erly affection; outdoing one another in showing honor. Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints, practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them” (Ro- mans 12:9-14). I look forward to seeing you and praying with you in the months to come. As a reminder, the Orthros/Preparatory now begins at 9:00 am with the Divine Liturgy to follow. +A Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2020