4 THE SHEPHERD • FEBRUARY 2021 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Hello Saint Spyridon Families, It has been wonderful to see some of our par- ish family members in person at the outdoor Divine Liturgy services. I hope and pray as every week goes by, we get closer to seeing brighter days, positive news and some sense of normalcy. We were fortunate to be able to continue with our long-standing Vasilopita cutting service in person on January 10. ank you once again for your generous and loving sup- port to St. Basil Academy. All proceeds were sent directly to St. Basil. ank you to Niki Dougenis and Christina Marantos , who baked our delicious Vasilopita. [See page 7] By now you should have received our Mem- bership letter asking you to please renew your 2021 Membership, or consider becom- ing part of this dynamic group of women and men. Nowmore than ever, fellow parish- ioners may be going through di cult times and your support allows us to o er aid. Also, Please mark your calendars to join us for our fun lled Membership event, “Made with Love”, on Zoom on February 27 at 11 am . Kathy Meck , also a Pampered Chef Consultant, will be holding a cooking demonstration for us and there will be priz- es throughout the zoom meeting. e link is https://tinyurl.com/dougenis so please regis- ter early! Also, Kathy has o ered to hold a fundraiser through Pampered Chef and 15% of the sales will go back to Philoptochos. [See yer on page 7] As always, if you know of a family that might need our help, please reach out to me direct- ly at 619-520-3660. ank you for your con- tinued love and support. In Christ, Marian Dougenis Anthousa Chapter President Please follow us on Facebook GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL February, the month of love is here. Valentine’s Day is about more than presents. As parents and grandpar- ents, we may fall into this mindset because we want to provide the best life possible for our grand/children. Rest as- sured, teaching the meaning of love, creating loving memories with children, and spend- ing unhurried family time together are truly more valuable than any gi you can buy. Val- entine’s Day is a good place to start. TIPS TO TEACH & SHOW OUR CHIL- DREN THE MEANING OF LOVE Here are a few ideas for Valentine’s Day that can be used throughout the year to show your children you love them: • Express “I love you” in words and notes. A simple note that says, “I love you,” un- der a pillow, in a backpack, or in a lunch bag can remind your child throughout the day of your love, even when you are not together. • Spend meaningful time with your chil- dren. As busy parents, we o en nd our- selves rushing from place to place and chore to chore. Even though it can be dif- cult at times, turn o the television, put down the cell phone, and spend meaning- ful time with your child. A simple place to start is to have dinner as a family as o en as possible. Turn the television o and talk; talk about your day, your friends, maybe even take turns asking “what would you do if...” questions. • Make something with your child for Val- entine’s Day. It does not have to be an elaborate or complicated project. Keep it simple: do a Valentine’s Day cra for kids using everyday objects: make up a song while driving in the car, write a poem with refrigerator magnets, or cook a meal to- gether. • Celebrate your child’s best e orts rather than focus on achievements. Consider when your child was an infant learning to walk. You cheered every e ort from pull- ing up, to walking while holding onto fur- niture, to rst steps. As children get older, we tend to focus more on accomplish- ments like grades or winning games than we do on e orts, like learning a new con- cept or being willing to try a new activity. Be sure to offer words of encouragement to recognize your child’s e orts, even if they don’t result in winning achievements. • Dream with your child. Remember as a child lying on your back and looking at the sky, naming the shapes of clouds oating by and thinking about life—just daydreaming. Simple thoughts and con- versations can spark the imagination , plant a seed of curiosity, or begin a dream. So, hang out and dream with your child. • Let go, listen, and laugh. Our schedules have become so hectic and our commit- ments so plentiful that we o en become rigid in our routines and focused on what needs to get done, rather than enjoying the present. Show your kids you love them by committing to slow down —even if it’s only one day a week—and let the schedule go. Lie on the couch and read a book togeth- er even when there are dishes in the sink. Make up jokes together even when there is dusting to be done. Take a walk together and ask your child what he wants to talk about, and listen intently, even if you have something else on your mind. TEACHING OUR CHILDREN HOW TO EXPRESS LOVE Teaching children how to show love can be a gi that lasts for a lifetime. Here are a few simple ways to teach your child how to ex- press love throughout the year: • Model and teach your child about love, friendship, kindness, and inclusion. Be- ing a conscious role model is as important as any other teaching strategy. Show your child the meaning of acceptance : what it means to be a good friend, to include oth- ers, and to demonstrate kindness. • Express your love, gratitude, and com- passion for the community. Giving and expressing love can be immensely power- ful for both the giver and receiver. ink of ways to show gratitude, compassion, and love for the world and community . • Be a good friend. is is a great opportu- nity to help children think about friend- ships. Whether you purchase or make cards, sit with your child as she creates or signs them and talk about her classmates and what it means to be a good friend. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Athena Kotinopoulos Georges, M.Ed. Greek Language School Director Direct: 619-992-4452 athenakotinopoulos@gmail.com ΝΕΑ ΤΗΣ ΦΙΛΟΠΤΩΧΟΥ PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS