
3 THE SHEPHERD • FEBRUARY 2022 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2: e Presentation of the Lord Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Hebrews 7:7-17 ✟ Luke 2:22-40 SUNDAY, FEBUARY 6: Sunday of the Canaanite Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Hebrews 7:26-28;8:1-2 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 15:21-28 SUNDAY, FEB. 13: Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee Triodion Begins Today Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : II Timothy 3:10-15 ✟ Gospel : Luke 18:10-14 SUNDAY, FEBUARY 20: Sunday of the Prodigal Son Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : I Corinthians 6:12-20 ✟ Gospel : Luke 15:11-32 SATURDAY, FEBUARY 26: Saturday of Souls Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : I essalonians 4:13-17 ✟ Luke 21:8-9,25-27,33-36 SUNDAY, FEBUARY 27: Judgment Sunday ( Meatfare) Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : I Corinthians 8:8-13;9:1-2 Gospel : Matthew 25:31-46 one. The team worked a to renovate the storage area ation started with demolition he supply roomwalls.Post that, as lined-up, creating a bigger, graded andmore economical helving and s/s tables.We still atwe plan to complete in the k to the following (yes,we took ks: Spero Tzathas,Mike Platis, d AnthonyKyriakidis. Finally,a effort tokeepourstorage room rying tonot leavepersonalstuff η ανακαίνηση της αποθήκης υ δούλεψε σκληρά ελπίζει να την τάξη, λειτουργικότητα, και , που όντως εξυπηρετεί όλους DIVINE SERVICES continues 4 BAPTISMS JAN 8 : Delano (Ezra) Johnson e Godmother is Adyam Berhe DEATHS JAN 4: Gregory Peter Star 89 years old MEMORIALS JAN 16: Helen Megelova 40 days JAN 23: Christos Tsopanoglou 9 years Sultana Crosby 18 years Ray Crosby 46 years JAN 30: Katherine Navrides 6 months Ernest Navrides 32 years William Navrides 58 years FEB 6: Gregory Star 40 days Congratulations to Stephan & Evagelia Barrington on the birth of their son Nikolas Iordanis, born on December 18, 2021, 9 pounds 5 ounces, and 20.5 inches long. e proud siblings are Louka, Zoi, and Kassiani. e proud grandparents are Vasilios & Demetria Veziris and Barry & Emily Barrington. BIRTHS 40-DAY BLESSINGS JAN 6: Petros Son of Alexandros & Panayiota Lolis JAN 16: Olivia Renae Daughter of David & Christina Miller JAN 23: Nikolas Iordanis Son of Stephan & Evagelia Barrington Greetings Friends of the Choir! February is now upon us! Valentine’s Day is the day of love. Did you know that? Love can mean so many things. Patience, happiness, goodness, kind hearted, etc. God describes love ev- erywhere in the bible. St. John says, “Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and truth.” John 3:18. We wish you all the love that is prepared for us from God! Enjoy your day! e choir extends their love and best wishes to Fr. Andrew for his birthday. May God grant you many years. Come join the choir! We would love to have you! As we leave you, please enjoy this poem about God’s Valentine Gi to us. God’s Valentine Gi by Britty King God’s Valentine gi of like to us Was not a bunch of flowers; It had not been candy, or a book To while away the hours. His gi was to become a man, So He could freely give His sacrificial love for us, So you and I could live. He gave us sweet salvation, and Instruction, good and true– To love our friends and enemies And love our Savior, too. In order we give our Valentines, Let’s thank our Lord and King; e reason we have love to give Is the fact that He gave everything. Singing God’s Praises, Katherine Loukatos Meck Music Master NEWS LOFT FROM THE As Christ Himself tells us, when questioned about what happens to righteous people a er death, He says, “they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the Resur- rection.” (Luke 20:36). e guardian angels are given to us to help us on this road to becoming sons and true children of God. May we all have the ears to hear and follow them. + e Women of the Word Bible Study Group Contact: susanmiserlis@gmail.com A Basic Guide to Eastern Orthodox eology: Introducing Beliefs and Practices – Eve Tibbs, Ph.D. In the immense catalog of writings about the Orthodox Christian Church, where can one nd a solidly researched, comprehensive, yet readable and relatable volume to begin to ground oneself in the teachings of the Church? Dr. Eve Tibbs recently published work, A Basic Guide to the East- ern Orthodox eology, provides just such a welcoming and accessible book for those seeking to begin their understand- ing of Orthodoxy or for those Orthodox who wish to have a resource to share their faith with others and re-a rm their beliefs in a fresh and engaging way. A real strength of this Guide is the order in which these prin- ciples are presented, and the way the topics of the chapters build upon one another to engender a rm understanding of the Orthodox faith without taking a typical “textbook” ap- proach. As a consummate educator, Dr. Tibbs puts herself in the place of a seeker rather than a fellow academic, in spite of the depth and credibility of her sources and their presenta- tion. One feels the assurance of an author who understands the daily lives and shared experiences of her readers and who speaks with them rather than to them in a way that respects their faith journeys thus far. Especially engaging is her intuitive inclusion of highlights the hymnology, feasts, and saints of the Church as way of underscoring the principles of each chapter, giving the read- er practical touchstones in the overwhelming kaleidoscope of richness a person may encounter when experiencing the unfolding and enfolding seasons of the Church. Her addition BOOKSTORE 2 WOMEN OF THE WORD