
7 THE SHEPHERD • FEBRUARY 2022 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO As has been the long-standing tra- dition of our parish, we honored St. Basil the Great with the “Cutting of the Vasilopita” on Sunday, January 16, 2022. Following the Divine Lit- urgy, Father Andrew cut and distrib- uted the vasilopita. Donations were collected to support the e†orts of St. Basil Academy located in Garrison, New York, for the continued support of those children in need. A sincere “ ank You” to the Ca- petanakis family for donating the vasilopita baking supplies. A special “ ank You” to our baking co-chairs Jenny Capetanakis, Niki Dougenis and Christina Marantos, as well as our lovely bakers, Julie Karagianides, Irene Veca, Vicky Mellos and Jannie Gallanis . ese ladies bake from the heart with love, and they continue to spoil our community with their culi- nary talents! ank you for all you do, Ladies! Our annual Membership Luncheon is quickly approaching. Please join us on Saturday, March 5th at 11:30am in the Cypress Room. We invite all new and renewing members of Saint Spyridon’s Anthousa Philoptochos Chapter. We welcome all – ladies and gentlemen – to help us make a di†er- ence in the lives of many. If you can- not actively participate, your mem- bership pledge helps to enable us to continue to support many charitable endeavors within our parish as well as local, national, and international communities. By joining Philoptochos, you will have the opportunity to meet new people, share experiences, knowl- edge, and feel the joy in your heart of helping others who desperately need the support. Our philanthrop- ic outreach fundraises for causes and charities that are relevant to our community and further our Ortho- dox faith and traditions. Your con- tinued love and support is greatly appreciated and the need is appar- ent – now more than ever! To join, please visit anthousa.org and click Donate. ( e National and Metrop- olis Philoptochos treasuries each receive $15 of every membership donation; any amount over $30 re- mains in our local chapter’s treasury.) Please email Melanie Anastopulos at melanieanastopulos@gmail.com or Kalliopi Samouris nyckelly@cox.net with any question you may have. Also, please consider sponsoring a Sunday Fellowship Hour with your friends and family by providing simple refreshments (donuts or ba- gels, fruit and juice). You can honor family members or celebrate special occasions. To sign up, please contact Anne Zouvas at (619) 248-6644. Saint Spyridon Philoptochos invites you and your family to commemo- rate a special Feast Day by o†ering a donation towards the cost of a beautifully decorated icon displayed in the church Narthex for all to ven- erate. is o†ering, a oral adorn- ment surrounding the blessed icon, is a perfect way to honor your family member(s) as well as to honor an im- portant day in the life of the Church. roughout the liturgical year, there are many opportunities to select a special Saint or feast day to com- memorate. Please reserve your dates now by contacting the church o ce at o ce@stspyridon.org or 619-297- 4165. e suggested donation ($75 payable to Saint Spyridon Philopto- chos) will be greatly appreciated. We hope you will join us as we con- tinue to put our faith into action through our many philanthropic ministries. While this work will pro- vide support for others, it is also an immensely gratifying opportunity for you to serve your parish and com- munity, make new friends, embrace and promote the faith of our forefa- thers, and further our Orthodox tra- ditions. We welcome and thank you, in advance, for your membership. Yours in Christ, So a Samouris Anthousa Chapter President Philoptochos Membership Drive and Luncheon The Anthousa Chapter Invites you to Attend The Annual Saturday, March 5, 2022 11:30 A.M. Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church 3655 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92103 Cypress Room Presentation: Our own Marian Khoury Dougenis Beautycounter Consultant Topic: The importance of using clean and safe skincare and cosmetics As part of our "Operation Classroom" we are collecting Amazon gift cards for Anza Elementary in El Cajon to help support their edible garden programs. Opportunity Drawing Make your reservations with the Church office 619.297.4165 PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS CLASSIFIEDS Need someone to take care of your elderly? I speak Greek, I drive, and I can provide the care they need. Give me a call! Christina Kourte: 858.261.8330 A Charmed Heart Thank you! Your support means the world to us. A Charmed Heart donated 100 percent of the net pro- ceeds from the sales of A Charmed Heart plus the do- nations on our Miracle Maker Page for a grand total of $21,971.76 to Rady Children’s Heart Center! Our son George truly kept the nurses, doctors and surgeons of Rady Children’s Hospital in his heart.We do this to help pediatric cardiac patients and keep George’s Memory Eternal while honoring him.Your generosity made this possible.Here’s to a Happy New Year for you all and A Charmed Heart reaching more milestones! A Charmed Heart makes a great Valentine's Day gift! www.acharmedheart.com