
2 THE SHEPHERD • FEBRUARY 2025 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings in the name of our Lord and Sav- ior, Jesus Christ! It is with great humility and a deep sense of responsibility that I write to you as the new- ly elected President of our Parish for 2025. Joining me as the executive committee are Jim Gilpin (1st Vice President), Rob Dennis (2nd Vice President), Stella Pappas (Secre- tary), Stephen Thiros (Trea- surer), and Ben De La Riva (Assistant Treasurer). As many of you may know, I have been a member of this cherished community since 1971, when my parents moved to San Diego from New York, and throughout the years, I have witnessed the growth, strength, and beauty of our faith family through the min- istries and sacraments of the Church. The St. Spyridon community has been a constant presence in my life for 53 years. It is an hon- or to now serve in this capacity, and I am deeply grateful for your trust and support. Our Parish has always been a place of refuge, fellowship, and love. It is here that we cele- brate the Divine Liturgy, nurture our spiri- tual lives, and come together to support one another in both joy and sorrow. As we move forward in this new year, my prayer is that we continue to strengthen the bonds that unite us and deepen our collective commitment to our Orthodox Christian faith. As we have witnessed the role of servant leaders in our community with my two pre- vious predecessors, Jim Gilpin and Spero Tzathas, as well as all the members of the Parish Council, I am reminded of the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew: "Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve..." (Matthew 20:26-28) In this spirit, I pray that we, as the St. Spyridon community, continue to serve one another with love, humility, and self- lessness. The road ahead will undoubtedly present challeng- es, but it will also offer many opportunities to further our mission. I look forward to working alongside our clergy, parish council, ministries, and all of you—our dedicated and loving parishioners—to en- sure that we continue to thrive and grow in the grace of God. I ask for your prayers and support as we embark on this new chapter together. Let us remain steadfast in our faith, steadfast in our love for one another, and dedicated to the mission entrusted to us. May the light of Christ guide us in all that we do. Thank you for your continued commitment to our Parish. Together, let us strive to be a beacon of love, faith, and hope in our com- munity and beyond. In Christ’s Love and Service, Anthony Kyriakidis Parish Council President FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT WHAT’S ON YOUR REFRIGERATOR? In many households, the refrigerator is a mosaic of magnets, photos, and post-it notes. Sometimes we add to it, sometimes we refresh it, sometimes we become blind to its daily display. This month in WOW, we have discovered the treasure of the daily sayings of the saints in our 2025 Daily Lives, Miracles, and Wisdom of the Saints & Fasting Calendar. In our time togeth- er, it’s our custom to share the ones that have been meaningful, helpful, and perhaps even life changing. We often say, “How did God know that I needed this message this day?” How can we remember and incorporate these gifts into our lives? Enter the refriger- ator, or the desk pad, the mirror, or our ico- nostasia where we can put this little gift from God before us until we absorb it and perhaps memorize it to serve us. We can create a little spot that we can refresh with new quotations as the old ones become part of our learning, trusting that when we are faithful to invite the saints to aid us every day, we can grow in faith and peace. We continue to invite all women to join us eachWednesday at Noon in the lower educa- tion building for our time around the Word of God and the wisdom of His saints. Come early for a little coffee and conversation! Here is a gem from St. John Chrysostom: “When God erases sins, He does not leave a scar, not allowing a mark to remain, for to- gether with the healing He grants also beauty.” Let us remain steadfast in our faith, steadfast in our love for one another, and dedicated to the mission entrusted to us. WOMEN WORD OF THE