
5 THE SHEPHERD • FEBRUARY 2025 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO YOUTH MINISTRIES Alexandra Mouzas DRE# 00969679 International President’s Circle & Diamond Society Celebrating 38 years Alex@AlexandraMouzas.Com • AlexandraMouzas.Com 619-518-2755 Sponsored Announcement Meráki Young Orthodox Service Group In an effort to build a community of young children who value serving others, as our Lord Jesus Christ did, we are launching a new Youth Group - our newly minted Meraki! Meraki is a difficult word to translate into English, but it is best described as love, devotion, joy, and passion that can be brought to the things we do in our lives. We hope that our elemen- tary school children will serve with Meraki, with passion, love, devotion, and joy! The elementary school chil- dren in Meraki will meet the second Saturday of each month at 9:30am to do a service project. The Meraki Youth Group will be geared toward children in grades TK – 5th grade, with preschool kids and 6th grade students as optional participants. Our first service project will be a beach clean-up on February 8th at 9:30am. If you know of a Service Project for this age group or have a child in the elementary age group and are not on our email list, please email Julie Dennis at youthminis- tries@stspyridon.org or call 619- 940-5167. CHRYSOSTOM FESTIVAL 2025 WHEN: March 2nd After Divine Liturgy WWW.GOARCH.ORG/-/ST-JOHN- CHRYSOSTOM-ORATORICAL-FESTIVAL ELEMENTARY GRADE 4-6 JR DIVISION GRADE 7-9 SR DIVISION GRADE 10-12 WHAT TO DO: 1. Select a topic 2. Register Online* 3. Write a 4 min speech 4. Deliver it An opportunity to learn, write and speak about Orthodox faith WHERE: St. Spyridon GOC * PARTICIPANTS REGISTER AT HTTPS://RELIGIOUSED.FORMSTACK.COM/FORMS/SJCOF_PARTICIPANT_1 See page 15 for additional information St. Spyridon Join us for Activities Songs Stories all about God! Greek O rthodox C hurch LITTLEA NGELS Weekly Group! Thursdays 9:45am - 11:00am For Babies and Toddlers ages 40 days - 4 years old and their Parents or Caregiver! 3655 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA E a c h W e e k Meet in the Lower Education Building at St. Spyridon! Join our contact list: https://forms.gle/phD 8HBYhZhm8VKzCA www.stspyridon.org Questions: 619-94 0-5167 youthministrie s@stspyridon.org Effective January 1, 2025, the price of weekly votive candles is $10.