12 THE SHEPHERD • MARCH 2020 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Saint Spyridon G.O.C. Greek Festival • 3655 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92103 • 619.297.4165 • stgreekfestival.com BROCHURE AD SPECIFICATIONS: To accommodate the many different software programs and OS platforms, we have established a PDF workflow for receiving finished artwork for printed advertisements. PDF is a ubiquitous file format developed by Adobe Systems Inc, standing for “Portable Document Format.” A properly created PDF file preserves the original look of the document, no matter what type of computer or software was used to create it. Fonts, photos and graphic images appear exactly as they do in the original document. Our established advertising rates require digital PDF ad submission, which enable us to produce a quality product for our advertisers and meet the standards of quality printing. There are a number of ways to create a PDF file, but not all are suitable for high quality printing. Some are only suitable for internet use, while others are intended for printing a copy to a desktop printer. A PDF file that has been created properly for a printing press contains embedded fonts, high resolution images and vector graphics. One to produce your PDF is by using Adobe Acrobat with either the “press quality” or “PDFX- 1a” settings. More information on PDF files is available online. Please submit your print ad in a vector-based, CMYK PDF with all fonts included, at 100% size (no scaling). If raster images are included in the PDF, please make sure that they are 300PPI or larger at actual size. Rasterized black text should be 600PPI or higher. Full page ads (including the opportunity ticket ad) must include 1/8” bleed all around. Ads smaller than full page should not include any bleed. See available sizes on reverse side of this sheet. If you can only provide loose materials (hand-written content, typed text, photos to be scanned, business cards, etc), our creative director can create an ad for you according to your specifications and suggestions for a $100 fee. You may also hire any other designer of your choice. Please note that, as with any other printed material, printed business cards or printed ads are not acceptable as ready-to-print artwork and must be professionally rebuilt for a fee. However, submitting a business card layout as a properly exported vector PDF (not a scan) is acceptable and will not be assessed an additional fee. WEBSITE AD SPECIFICATIONS: • PIXEL SIZE: 220 x 220 pixels • COLOR SPACE: RGB or Indexed Color. No CMYK allowed. • FILE FORMAT: JPEG, GIF, PNG, Animated GIF. No Flash allowed. • MAXIMUM FILE SIZE: 100KB • LINKING: Please provide one URL you want your web ad to link to. You may also ask us to invoke an email link instead of a URL. If you don’t know what these specifications mean, or if you don’t have the software tools to meet them, please consult a professional designer or have our designer build the ad for you; $100 fee will apply. For additional information about ad specifications only, email graphics@sdgreekfestival.com. Digital Art Specifications & Guidelines CONTACT INFORMATION NAME _______________________________________________ COMPANY (if applicable) _______________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ PHONE ______________________________________________ EMAIL _______________________________________________ BROCHURE BUSINESS ADS ONLY Use the exact same ad from last year’s Brochure I am providing a fully & properly designed ad layout * I would like your designer to design my ad (I have checked the corresponding box on front page) * SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ______________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ GREETINGS / COMMEMORATIVE MESSAGES ONLY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS / MESSAGE TEXT: _______________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ (use additional sheet if necessary) * Important terms, conditions, and notes: Your signature below confirms that you understand and acknowledge the following: 1. Ad placement in either sponsorship package excludes middle spread and back cover. New ads must be provided in a proper press-ready PDF format, otherwise ad design fee will apply. Printed business cards and ads do not qualify as ready-to-publish artwork and will be assessed the $100 design fee. 75% of this fee is used to compensate our creative director for building your ad. Visit www.sdgreekfestival.com for details and specifications. 2. Website ads must be provided in a proper format, otherwise ad design fee will apply. Visit www.sdgreekfestival.com for details and specifications. 3. Audio announcements of sponsors will be performed at the best number of opportunities as allowed by the festival activities. 4. Booth sponsor signage will be provided by the festival. No sponsor- provided signage will be allowed. 5. All sponsorships are subject to approval by the Greek Festival Steering Committee. 6. Ad space and sponsorships will be reserved on a “first-come, first-served” basis and only upon receipt of full payment; reservations via email or over the telephone are not allowed. 7. Placement of ads is up to the discretion of the Brochure Design & Production team. Requests for specific placement will be considered, but compliance is not guaranteed. 8. Festival sponsors are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the information on their print or web ads and agree not to hold Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church, its festival volunteers or the brochure production team liable in the case of any errors appearing on their ads or messages. X ________________________________________________ Your signature