
5 THE SHEPHERD • MARCH 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL AT THE CORONADO FERRY LANDING 619.435.1225 WWW.SPIROSCAFE.COM Best Greek food in the region Draft beer varieties Imported & domestic wine Spacious indoor/outdoor seating Panoramic views of S.D. Bay Catering Available Your greetings help make the publishing of this newsletter possible. Send your congratulatory and personal greetings and announcements for any occasion such as Name Days, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, etc., but also messages for sad circumstances and wishing well. Visit theshepherdnews.com for more details and to submit your greeting online, or email info@theshepherdnews.com Personal Greetings! Our 1821 Greek Revolution celebra- tion is fast approaching, on Sunday, March 26th after Divine Liturgy! This annual event always sells out, and as there will be no ticket sales at the door, if you haven’t bought tickets yet, reach out to Christoforos Savvides at 619-709-6067 to reserve your seats today! We Want You! We have been blessed throughout the years with the lead- ership and support of many won- derful volunteers. But the time has come for some to move on and we have now have opportunities avail- able for you to help our wonderful ministry. This includes both volun- teer and paid positions. If you have a passion for the Greek language and want to help the school, would you consider stepping up to support the following? Greek School Board: Our Greek School Board is a voluntary organi- zation that helps oversee the Greek school by supporting the Greek School Director, teachers and par- ents. It meets 6-8 times a year via Zoom. Elections are in June and members are voted in for a two-year term. You must be a member of the church in good standing to serve on the Board. Greek School Director: The heart and soul of our program, theDirector is a part-time, paid position which oversees all aspects of the school and adult and youth classes, teachers, curriculum, etc. The Director must meet certain criteria of knowledge of the Greek language and culture, and have a teaching background of some sort, ideally in Greek and English. The Director oversees the curriculum development alongside teachers, and is responsible for com- munication with students (youth and adult) and parents alike. Ad- ministrative duties include manag- ing communication with the Board and the Parish Council. The Director should be comfortable and capable of using email, Google docs, Zoom and other electronic platforms. On- site support and availability during classes is an essential part of this job (evenings 2-3 times a week, 2-3 hours at a time.) Greek School Administrator: A paid part-time position reporting to the Greek School Director primari- ly responsible for managing the du- ties of scheduling classes, ordering books, setting up the payment sys- tem for class registration, managing accounts, collecting and submitting timecards for instructors on a weekly basis. This position doesn’t necessar- ily require a command of the Greek language. Onsite presence during classes is at a minimum. If you are interested in more infor- mation on these positions or would like to volunteer for the Greek School in other ways please reach out to Timmy Paraskevopoulos by email at t_nicolaou@hotmail.com or 714-931-2431. Our Greek School students and teachers will be presenting a program celebrating The Greek Revolution of 1821 Sunday, March 26 At the Church Hall, Following The Divine Liturgy Tickets: Adults $30, Children $15 (no sales at the door) Opportunity Drawing! Contact Christoforos Savvides at 619.709.6067 For advertising opportunities in the printed program, contact Nektarios Tradas at 858.292.6070