
6 THE SHEPHERD • MARCH 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Membership Season has officially kicked off for our Anthousa Chapter! We held our annual Membership Brunch on Saturday, February 25th. I want to thank Melanie Anastopulos and Kelly Samouris for plan- ning such a beautiful event. Their hard work never goes unnoticed. Every detail from the food, décor and program was executed to perfection! Thank you to the ladies who helped prepare our delicious brunch and to Marilyn Yeatts and Christine Tradas for their thoughtful presentations. Christine’s overview of our Blessing Bag program truly reinforced the importance of our organiza- tion and the good work we do. We invite you to join our Anthousa Philop- tochos Chapter. We welcome all – ladies and gentlemen – to help us make a difference in the lives of many. If you cannot actively par- ticipate, your membership pledge helps to enable us to continue to support many char- itable endeavors within our parish as well as local, national, and international communi- ties. By joining Philoptochos, you will have the opportunity to meet new people, share expe- riences, knowledge, and feel the joy in your heart of helping others who desperately need the support. Our philanthropic outreach fundraises for causes and charities that are relevant to our community and further our Orthodox faith and traditions. Your contin- ued love and support is greatly appreciated and the need is apparent - now more than ever! To join, please visit www.Anthousa.org and click donate. (The National and Metrop- olis Philoptochos treasuries each receive $15 of every membership donation; any amount over $30 remains in our local chapter’s trea- sury.) Please contact Melanie Anastopulos melanieanastopulos@gmail.com or Kalliopi Samouris nyckelly@cox.net with any ques- tion you may have. PASCHA BAKE SALE: It’s time to order your tsourekia and koulourakia for Pascha! Made by the loving hands of our Ladies of Philoptochos, these delicious breads and cookies will be available for pickup on Palm Sunday, April 9th. Please visit greekbake.org to place your online order or use the form in this newsletter to mail in your payment. We appreciate your support of the many minis- tries of Philoptochos. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP: Please consider sponsoring a Sunday Fellowship Hour with your friends and family by providing simple refreshments (donuts or bagels, fruit and juice). You can honor family members or cel- ebrate special occasions. To sign up, please contact Christina Frangos, 858-220-0071, christinafrangos1@gmail.com . LEMONS, LOAVES & HONEY: Due to popular demand, we have reprinted addi- tional copies of our cookbook, which is a collection of favorite recipes from mem- bers of the Saint Spyridon Church Family. Order online at https://www.anthousa.org , the Church office, or the bookstore for $28. Shipping is available, or you may pick it up at the church office. ICON ADORNMENT: Philoptochos invites you and your family to commemorate a spe- cial Feast Day by offering a donation towards a beautifully decorated icon which will be displayed in the Narthex for all to venerate. To reserve your date, contact the Church of- fice at 619-297-4165, office@stspyridon.org . A suggested donation of $75 (cash or check) payable to the Ladies Philoptochos Society is much appreciated. As we begin the Lenten season, may you use this time to renew your faith and refect on the blessings that surround you. Join us as we continue to put our faith into action through our many philanthropic ministries. Yours in Christ, Sofia Samouris Anthousa Chapter President 619.518.4537 ssamouris22@gmail.com ΝΕΑ ΤΗΣ ΦΙΛΟΠΤΩΧΟΥ PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS