7 THE SHEPHERD • MARCH 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Enjoy our delicious Tsoureki bread and koulourakia, lovingly made by the Ladies of Philoptochos. Place your prepaid orders online at greekbake.org or with the form below. ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY SUNDAY, APRIL 2 Pick up your orders on PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 9, 12-2 PM in the Saint Spyridon Church hall. Name:______________________________________________________ Phone:___________________ Email:_____________________________ Koulourakia (bag of 12 cookies) $12 ea x ________ = $__________ Tsoureki Loaf $18 ea x ________ = $__________ ORDER TOTAL = $__________ Mail this form with your check (payable to Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society ) to Saint Spyridon Philoptochos, 3655 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92103 QUESTIONS? Please send an email to greekbake@anthousa.org WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT! Philoptochos Anthousa Chapter’s