
8 THE SHEPHERD • MARCH 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Announcing the 2023 VCS Theme! VACATION SESSION 1: JULY 9TH - 15TH ST. NICHOLAS RANCH SUMMER CAMP Sign up now to reserve your spot on the SoCal Bus for Session 1 for ONLY $150! WWW.GOSFYOUTH.ORG CAMP REGISTRATION NOWOPEN! CONTACT BILL NAVRIDES TO REGISTER FOR THE BUS NAVRIDESFAMILY@GMAIL.COM AND 619-992-6775 2023 DUNLAP, CA SUMMER 2023 JUNE 26-30 . FAITH . FUN . MUSIC . GAMES . CRAFTS . S T . S PYR I DON GR E E K OR T HODOX CHURCH Announcing the 2023 VCS Theme! https://sites.google.c om/stspyr idon.org/stspyridony outhminist ries/home @youthstspyrido n 619-940-5167 VACATION CHURCH SCHOO SUMMER 2023 J . FAITH . FUN . MUSIC . GAMES S T . S PYR I DON GR E E K OR T HODOX Announcing the 2023 VCS https://sites.google.com/stspyr idon.org/ stspyridonyouthminist ries/home 619-940-5167 VACATIO CHURCH SC SUMMER 2023 JUNE 26-30 . FAITH . FUN . MUSIC . GAMES . CRAFTS . S T . S PYR I DON GR E E K OR T HODOX CHURCH Announcing the 2023 VCS Theme! https://sites.google.com/stspyr idon.org/stspyridonyouthminist ries/home @youthstspyridon 619-940-5167 VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL SUMMER 2023 JUNE 26-30 . FAITH . FUN . MUSIC . GAMES . CRAFTS . S T . S PYR I D N GR E E K OR T HODOX CHURCH Announcing the 2023 VCS Theme! https://sites.google.com/stspyr idon.org/stspyr idonyouthminist ries/ home @youthsts pyridon 619-940-5167 VACATION UR SCHOOL Annou cing the 2023 VCS Theme! VACATION SUMMER 023 JUNE 26 . FAITH . FUN . MUSIC . GAMES . CRAFT S T . S PYR I DON GR E E K OR T HODOX CHURCH Announcing the 2023 VCS Theme! https://sites.goo gle.com/stspyr idon.org/stspyri donyouthminist ries/home @youthstsp 619-9 40-5167 VACATI N CHURCH SCHO SUMMER 2023 JUNE 26-30 . FAITH . FUN . MUSIC . GAMES . CRAFTS . S T . S PYR I DON GR E E K OR T HODOX CHURCH Announcing the 2023 VCS Theme! https://sites.google.com/stspyr idon.org/stspyridony outhminist ries/home @yo uthstspyridon 619-940-5 167 VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL SUMMER 2023 JUNE 26-30 . FAITH FUN . MUSIC . GAMES . CRAFTS . S T . S PYR I DON GR E E K OR T HODOX CHURCH Announcing the 2023 VCS heme! https:// sites.google.com/stspyr ido .or g/stspyri donyouthminist ries/home @youthstspyridon 619-940-5167 VACATI N HURCH SCHOOL SUMMER 2023 J . FAITH . FUN . MUSIC . GAMES S T . S PYR I DON GR E E K OR T HODO Annou cing the 2023 S https://sites.google.com/stspyr idon.org/stspyridonyouthminist ries/home 619-940-5167 VACATI CHURCH SC SUMMER 2023 JUNE 26-30 . FAITH . FUN . MUSIC . GAMES . CRAFT . S T . S PYR I DON GR E E K OR T HODOX CHURCH Announcing the 2023 VCS Theme! https://sites.google.com/stspyr idon.org/stspyridony thmin ist ries/home @youthst s ridon 619-940-5167 VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL sites.google.com/stspyridon.org/stspyridonyouthministries Published by our Anthousa Philoptcohos chapter, the Lemons, Loaves & Honey cookbook is a wonderful keepsake, perfect gift for holidays, birthdays and any occasion! Only $28. Available at: www.anthousa.org, the Church Office, and the Bookstore. ACollectionofFavoriteRecipes From theSaintSpyridonGreekOrthodoxChurchCommunity SanDiego,California GreekOrthodox LadiesPhiloptochosSociety LEMONS , onceprized for their healingproperties,were introduced to theMediterranean area around the 11th century. As their fragrant and tart juice was found to perfectly complement the rich-flavored olive oils of that time, lemons were adopted into the culinary arts toprovide acidity toboth sweet and savorydishes. LOAVES , symbolic of a bountiful harvest and the sustenance of life, are ever-present for the Orthodox Christian. From the HolyArtoklasia and Prosforon to the beautiful seasonal celebrationsof the Tsoureki at Pascha and Vasilopita onNewYear’sDay to thebreakingof breadaround theSundaydinner table, loavesgraceour lives throughouteachyear. HONEY , theonly food known tohave an infinite shelf life, is emblematicof the sweetness of life.Nature’snectar isused as a sweetenerof food anddrink from tea to saladdressings todelectablepastries. A n t h o u s A C h A p t e r ofCharity,Benevolence,andPhilanthropy SanDiego,California