
9 THE SHEPHERD • MARCH 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO GOYA Palm Sunday Luncheon ST . SPYR IDON Immediately following Divine Liturgy Join us for a delicious fish dinner, complete with veggies, salad, wine, and dessert. TICKETS ON SALE NOW! TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR Adult: $25 Children: $10 Sponsored by GOYA Pay for your tickets before April 2nd to be entered in a drawing to win a prize! April 9th, 2023 To Purchase Tickets - Send Cash or Check to the Church Office: 3655 Park Blvd San Diego, CA 92103 Need More Info? contact Bill Navrides navridesfamily@gmail.com or 619-992-6775 Please make checks for tickets or donations out to "St. Spyridon GOYA" Kick-off Fellowship March 12, 2023 Following the Divine Liturgy Our community’s largest fundraising event of the year is only a few months away (June 10 & 11). Come enjoy a complimentary fellowship in the Cypress Room after the Divine Liturgy and support our Greek Festival by signing up to chair a booth, volunteer, and/or become a sponsor! Greek Festi v aL san dieGo’s oriGinaL ZATHAS FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS One of the primary purposes of the Zathas Foundation is to provide financial assistance to high school graduating seniors, commu- nity college students transferring to a 4-year college, and to full-time undergraduate col- lege / university students. The amount of the scholarship awards, to be granted to a few qualifying students, varies from $500.00 to $1,500.00 each. The requirements are as follows: 1. Completed applications must be re- ceived before May 1, 2023 . 2. Eligibility is limited to high school grad- uating seniors, community college stu- dents transferring to a 4-year college, and to full-time undergraduate 4-year college / university students. 3. Scholarships will be granted only to qual- ified members of the Greek Orthodox faith residing in the County of San Diego. 4. Scholarships MUST be applied for tui- tion. 5. Scholarships will be paid directly to the college /university on the student’s be- half. 6. The primary criterion for granting scholarships will be financial need. Oth- er criteria will be prior academic perfor- mance, scores of tests, character, moti- vation, potential, honors, and activities. If you would like an application, please con- tact Spero Tzathas at spe1@cox.net