
11 THE SHEPHERD • MARCH 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO GOYA Palm Sunday Luncheon ST . SPYR IDON Immediately following Divine Liturgy Join us for a delicious fish dinner, complete with veggies, salad, wine, and dessert. TICKETS ON SALE NOW! TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR Adult: $25 Children: $10 Sponsored by GOYA Pay for your tickets before April 22nd to be entered in a drawing to win a prize! April 28th, 2024 Need More Info? contact Bill Navrides navridesfamily@gmail.com or 619-992-6775 Dear Faithful Steward of Saint Spyridon: Recently, I saw a documentary on the mak- ing of the song “We Are the World” with Mi- chael Jackson, “The Boss” Bruce Springsteen, Diana Ross, and thirty-five other perform- ers, which has raised over one hundred mil- lion dollars for hungry children throughout the world. The following day, I was pleasantly “su-prised” to hear Father Andrew give a ser- mon on what twelve Apostles achieved and, pondering on this, he asked what five hun- dred parishioners could accomplish. The Stewardship Committee takes this op- portunity to remind you that your steward- ship pledge helps to support the many and varied ministries of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church. Your financial steward- ship provides the foundation for our services in the Lord and has a direct effect and impact on encountering the challenges of not only the present, but those that will surely follow in the future as well. And, pondering on the question that Father Andrew posed, I wonder what we, 450 fam- ilies strong, working together, could achieve in our parish and our local community, if we all worked together toward fulfilling our thirty-seven ministries with our Time, Talent and Treasure. Consequently, as a valued steward, supporter and praying member of our parish, we need your help. The Stewardship Committee re- spectfully reminds you that as of this writing we may not have received your annual 2024 stewardship pledge card commitment yet. Please take a moment to pray and reflect upon your 2024 financial pledged commit- ment to your parish community. Through your positive response today you will join hands with all those who are committed to the enhancement of the spiritual (and physi- cal) growth of our parish and its many min- istries entrusted to our care. May the Lord continue to richly bless you and your family and our wonderful parish in all our/your stewardship endeavors. Respectfully, Your Stewardship Committee John Kalas, Chair Fr. Andrew Scordalakis Ben De La Riva, Jim Gilpin, Stephen Thiros, Spero Tzathas STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE One of the primary pur- poses of the Zathas Foun- dation is to provide fi- nancial assistance to high school graduating seniors, community college stu- dents transferring to a 4-year college, and to full- time undergraduate col- lege / university students. The amount of the scholarship awards, to be granted to a few qualifying students, varies from $500.00 to $1,500.00 each. The requirements are as follows: 1. Completed applications must be re- ceived before May 1, 2024 . 2. Eligibility is limited to high school grad- uating seniors, community college stu- dents transferring to a 4-year college, and to full-time undergraduate 4-year college / university students. 3. Scholarships will be granted only to qual- ified members of the Greek Orthodox faith residing in the County of San Diego. 4. Scholarships MUST be applied for tui- tion. 5. Scholarships will be paid directly to the college /university on the student’s behalf. 6. The primary criterion for granting scholarships will be financial need. Oth- er criteria will be prior academic perfor- mance, scores of tests, character, moti- vation, potential, honors, and activities. If you would like an application, please con- tact Spero Tzathas at spe1@cox.net