
8 THE SHEPHERD • MARCH 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Alexandra Mouzas DRE# 00969679 International President’s Circle & Diamond Society Celebrating 36 years Alex@AlexandraMouzas.Com • AlexandraMouzas.Com 619-518-2755 PLEASE USE THE LINK BELOW OR QR CODE TO ORDER CANDY SHIPPED DIRECTLY TO YOUR HOME M a r c h 1 s t - M a r c h 1 5 t h O r d e r y o u r S p r i n g C a n d y a n d s u p p o r t o u r k i d s See’s Candy http://tinyurl.com/42breaud CONTACT: KATHY MECK SPRNODIVA@AOL.COM BOOKSTORE Can you believe it? Great Lent is upon us. The bookstore has a won- derful selection of resources for your Lenten journey. In preparation for this Holy season, we have gathered special books for Great Lent and Pascha. Please visit and search our shelves dedicated to this Holy sea- son. We are stocking a new book: The Road Back to Christ: Re ections on Lent, Holy Week and the Resur- rection written by, Fr Stavros N. Ak- rotirianakis. This book is a wonder- ful series of short daily re ections/ devotions on the scripture readings of Holy Week and the accounts of the Resurrection and post-Resur- rection appearances of Christ. It will guide you through Christ’s journey, and reinvigorate your faith through prayer and deepen your understand- ing of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Begin reading one re ection a day starting Monday of Great Lent, and continue reading one re ection/devotion each day of Lent and through Great and Holy Week. Use this book to help you make the journey to the Cross and the empty tomb. You will be grateful you made the time each day. It is tru- ly a wonderful resource! We would also like to thank Irene Huntalas for her generous donation to the bookstore in Memory of James (Jim) Mastorakos. Again, a heartfelt thank you to all our donors for their Memorial donations! Lastly, it is not too late to pick up your 2024 Daily Lives, Miracles & Wisdom of the Saints & Fasting cal- endar. Our staff joins in wishing our parish- ioners and friends a blessed Lenten season! Stephanie Mourafetis, Mary Mas- torakos, Pat Tsopanoglou, Collette Pepelis, and Francesca Captain Sponsored Announcement Sponsored Announcement Attention High School Seniors: The deadline for submittal of all applications for the Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox / George & Rose Papanicolaou Scholarship Fund, a 501(c)3 Not-for-profit organization, is March 31, 2024. The Application, Eligibility Factors and Basis of Selection are available on the Church’s website: www.stspyridon.org/ministries/scholarship PAPANICOLAOU SCHOLARSHIP Wednesday, March 20th Thursday, March 21st Friday, March 22nd Saturday, March 23rd at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 23, 2024 Matinee at 1:00 p.m. Ray and Joan Kroc Salvation Army Performing Arts Center 6611 University Avenue, San Diego, CA 92115 Go to www.PPJT.org for tickets Peter Pan Junior Theater Presents