
9 THE SHEPHERD • MARCH 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY CLEANINGS • MAINTENANCE PREVENTION • FAMILY CARE PEDIATRIC CARE • COSMETICS ORTHODONTICS • PRESERVATION DR. BARR INGTON STEPHAN BARRINGTON DDS 6398 DEL CERRO BLVD, SUITE 1 SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 619.286.1181 DRBARRINGTONSD.COM PLEASE JOIN US! Membership Season has officially kicked off for our Anthousa Chapter. Please join us on Saturday, March 2nd at 11:00am for our Anthou- sa Membership Complimentary Luncheon & Program in the Cy- press Room. We welcome ladies and gentlemen to join or renew your membership in support of our philanthropic outreach, causes and ministries that are relevant to our community and which further our Orthodox Faith and traditions. As an Anthousa member you will enjoy the opportunity to meet new people, share experiences, knowledge, and feel the joy in your heart of helping others who desperately need the sup- port. To join, please visit www.an - thousa.org and click “membership”. Please contact Melanie Anastopulos at melanieanastopulos@gmail.com or Kalliopi Samouris at nyckelly@ cox.net with any question you may have. If you haven’t reserved yet, please contact the church office at (619) 297-4165. Your continued love and support is greatly appreciated and the need is apparent - now more than ever! SAVE THE DATE: Agape - A Cele- bration of Love: Sunday, April 14th 2:00 PM , Newport Beach Country Club. This special event will benefit the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Ladies Philoptochos Kids ‘n’ Cancer Ministry. FEED THE POOR: The founda- tion of our local Anthousa Philop- tochos Chapter is to support our own church community and beyond through our ongoing year-round ac- tivities. A very special thank you to Andreas Capetanakis and his team who prepared 200 meals in Febru- ary. They are working closely with FOCUS North America. The mis- sion of FOCUS is to serve the poor by bringing together Orthodox Christian churches and community partners to provide food , occupa- tion , clothing & shelter . We contin- ue to support the efforts of FOCUS on a monthly basis. Members and Non-Members: Looking for ways to help? Please contact Andreas Capet- anakis at (619) 948-0902. PASCHA BAKE SALE: The sea- son is almost upon us to enjoy fresh tsourekia and koulourakia for Pas- cha! Made by the loving hands of our Ladies of Philoptochos, these delicious breads and cookies will be available for pickup on Palm Sunday, April 28th. Please watch for online ordering soon at www.greekbake.org AGAPE MEALS are meals offered to our community members who are in need or who have fallen on diffi- cult times. If you know of a person or family who needs help, or if you are interested in helping to prepare meals, please reach out to Mari- an Dougenis at 619.520.3660 or mkdougenis@prodigy.net . SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP is offered most Sundays after church. It is a cherished tradition to gather and visit with our church family, made possible through the support of our parishioners. Please sponsor a Sunday Fellowship Hour with your friends and family by providing sim- ple refreshments (such as donuts or bagels, fruit, juice, etc.). Please con- tact Christina Frangos to schedule a date at 858.220.0071 or christin- afrangos1@gmail.com . FEAST DAY ICONS: We invite you to commemorate a Feast Day or spe- cial event in the life of your family by offering a beautifully decorated icon to be displayed in the Narthex for all to venerate. The suggested donation amount is $85. Please make checks payable to the Greek Orthodox La- dies Philoptochos Society. To reserve an icon, contact the church office: (619) 297-4165. As we begin the Lenten season, may you use this time to renew your faith and reflect on the blessings that sur- round you. Join us as we continue to put our faith into action through our many philanthropic ministries. Yours in Christ, Sofia Samouris Anthousa Chapter President 619.518.4537 ssamouris22@gmail.com PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Sponsored Announcement