7 THE SHEPHERD • APRIL 2020 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Hello St. Spyridon Families! As Pascha is upon us, I pray you and your families have a blessed season and I hope you are remaining healthy. It’s times like this we are reminded how beautiful life is but yet how quickly it can take us through very chal- lenging times as well. We, as a Chapter, have decided it is our re- sponsibility to cancel and / or postpone a few upcoming Chapter activities. As of now, we have cancelled our Tsoureki fundraiser. As you know, every year we send our baked treats to our homebound parishioners and although they will not be receiving these treats, we have a plan in place to reach out to them during this time of uncertainty. As you know, our Agape Meals program, lead by Stella Weil, cooks and sends food to families in our community that can use some help. We will now be reaching out to our home- bound parishioners to see if there is a need for delivered groceries to their homes. We have already received a very generous dona- tion from a parishioner to start this program. The more members we have, the more we can achieve our goals for caring for the needy and with your time, your talents and treasures, we can achieve greatness and pre- vail through these difficult times. If you have been thinking of becoming a member, please do not hesitate. Please reach out to our Mem- bership Chairs Kelly Samouris and Melanie Anastopulos for more information. No one can predict what the near future holds but there may be greater needs ahead of us and we will come together as the Saint Spyridon community always does. The coffee hour has been postponed until further notice but I wanted to once again thank the families and ministries that offer the coffee hour every week by using the Sign- up Genius. We will resume when we receive the approval. Please reach out to me anytime at 619-520- 3660 with any questions, ideas or concerns. With much love and good thoughts being sent your way, In Christ, Marian Dougenis Anthousa Chapter President 3 LIBRARY & BOOKSTORE PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Not even the rain prevented 36 seniors from enjoying a wonderful Lenten Lunch hosted by Ted and Anna Ioannides . Also assisting Anna was Ritsa Hore is . As always, the wonderful ladies of the seniors brought de- licious desserts. Due to Holy Week, the seniors WILL NOT be meeting Tuesday, April 14. Sincerely, George J. Stathopoulos SENIORS A.H.E.P.A. AHEPA San Diego Chapter 223 would like to wish you and your families a happy, safe and healthy Pascha. Καλό Πάσχα! Καλή Ανάσταση! Haven’t paid your dues for 2020? Don’t get worried, get ONLINE! www.ahepa223.org/ membership Costas Kotinopoulos President AHEPA Chapter #223 Commitment to Excellence, Proven Results 619.405.4958 MargueriteApostolas.com Each Office is Independently Owned And Operated. Marguerite Apostolas Broker Associate | CalBRE #01381771 RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE 2018 OFFICIAL AWARD WINNER 2016 ARD WI NER GOLD Co mitment to Excellence, Proven Results 619.405.4958 MargueriteApostolas.com Each Office is Independently Owned And Operated. arguerite Apostolas Broker Associate | CalBRE #01381771 We thank each of you for supporting our St. Spyridon bookstore. We all join in wishing our parishioners and friends a blessed Pas- cha season! Καλή Ανάσταση και Καλό Πάσχα! Mary Mastorakos, Pat Tsopanoglou, Collette Pepelis, Stephanie Mastorakos, and Frances- ca Captain