
1 THE SHEPHERD • APRIL 2022 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO FROM THE DESK OF FATHER ANDREW www.theshepherdnews.com The Shepherd Newsletter My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we prepare to expe- rience Great and Holy Week in just a couple of weeks, on Palm Sunday we will stand amongst the crowd of people who sing out Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel. ese words invite the faithful, you and me, to joyfully enter into the city of Je- rusalem. However, before we proceed fur- ther, I think that we should review some of the events and teachings that have brought us to the gates of Jerusalem before we enter therein. Just over two months ago the period of Tri- odion began with the Gospel lesson of the Publican and the Pharisee . e Pharisee was pu ed up with pride and righteousness but the Publican displayed his humility and low- liness, and thus, God reminds us everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. From the Sunday of the Prodigal Son we are taught that no matter what season or state we may nd ourselves, God will always accept us back as one of His children. All that is re- quired from us is that we realize what it is that separates us from God, come to our sens- es, repent, and try to avoid that which lead us astray in the rst place. However, on the Sunday of the Last Judg- ment, God shows us His extreme goodness and we are taught not to be careless with regard to those in need around us. God re- minds us to be diligent in our spiritual walk because we will all one day be judged, and He will separate us, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. So we must do the good works He has set before us: to feed the hungry, give water the thirsty, to welcome the stranger, and to visit those in the hospital and in prison. e Sunday before the beginning of the For- ty-day fast is known as Forgiveness Sunday. We are encouraged to forgive each other be- fore we begin our journey into Jerusalem. Forgiveness is one of the greatest Christian virtues and must continually be practiced. On that Sunday we are taught that to be for- given we must forgive. e Sunday of Orthodoxy is the rst Sunday of the Forty-day fast. From the Gospel lesson we hear Nathaniel call Jesus “Rabbi” and pro- claim him to be the Son of God, the King of Israel. My Friends, we are the people of God, a “new” Israel of which Jesus is our King; and as such, we must obey Him and look to Him for He is our eternal salvation because He is the only way, the truth and the life. e second Sunday of Lent is known as the Sunday of the Paralytic. e Gospel lesson instructs us of three things: rst, we must come to Christ in faith. Second, we must let nothing deter us from getting to Christ. And third, we must help each other come to know our Lord and Savior. On the ird Sunday of Lent, we celebrate the Adoration of the Precious and Life-giving Cross. We are taught to venerate the cross because through it, Christ conquered death. e cross o ers us protection from both the spiritual and physical world. We are instruct- ed to reverently trace the sign of the cross over our bodies at all times and for all things. Saint John Climacus is remembered on the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent. Saint John reminds us that our spiritual ascent toward God is like climbing a ladder. We must pro- ceed up the ladder; one rung at a time with patience and courage, because as we ascend the ladder, our bodies leave solid ground and continues 9 IN THIS ISSUE FR. ANDREW ............................................. p. 1 PRESIDENT OF THE PARISH COUNCIL, HOLY FRIDAY RETREAT, WOMEN OF THE WORD ................................................. p. 2 CHOIR, BIRTHS, DEATHS, MEMORIALS, HOLY SACRAMENTS, DIVINE SERVICES .................................................... p. 3 GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL ................ p. 4 GOYA NEWS .............................................. p. 5 PHILOPTOCHOS, SUNDAY SCHOOL ... p. 6 GREEK FESTIVAL....................................... p. 7 CALENDAR................................................. p. 10 ZATHAS FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS, BOOKSTORE .............................................. p. 11 CONTACT INFORMATION ...................... p. 12 The Shepherd The official newsletter publication for the parish of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church of San Diego I S S U E 3 1 1 • A P R I L 2 0 2 2 Pascha BakeSale ORDER BY APRIL 10 PICK UP ON PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 12-2 PM Don’t miss out! Place your order today at greekbake.org TSOUREKIA & KOULOURAKIA BY OUR PHILOPTOCHOS LADIES