11 THE SHEPHERD • APRIL 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO GREAT AND ST . SPYRIDON MARK YOUR GREAT AND HOLY FRIDAY YOUTH RETREAT ST . SPYRIDON MARK YOUR CALENDARS GREAT AND HOLY FRIDAY YOUTH RETREAT April 14 | 9 am - 2 pm grades tk-12 ST . SPYRIDON i n f o rma t i on : you t hm i n i s t r i es@s t spy r i don . o rg PASCHA PICNIC Sunday April 16, 2023 at the Admiral Baker Park 2400 Admiral Baker Road San Diego, CA 92124 Agapi Service 11:00 AM Traditional Greek music & dancing and picnic to follow until park closing promptly at 4 PM. NO GLASS BOTTLES ALLOWED IN THE PARK! ST. NICHOLAS RANC SUMMER CAMP 2023 LAP, CA SESSION 1: JULY 9TH - 15TH ST. NICHOLAS RANCH SUMMER CAMP Sign up now to reserve your spot on the SoCal Bus for Session 1 for ONLY $150! WWW.GOSFYOUTH.ORG CAMP REGIST TION NOWOPEN! CONTACT BILL NAVRIDES TO REGISTER F R THE BUS NAVRIDESFAMILY@GMAIL.COM AND 619-992-6775 2023 DUNLAP, CA Call or text Timmy Paraskevopoulos to purchase tickets: 714-931-2431 Support the St. Spyridon Greek Dance and Choral program and join us for a traditional Greek lamb luncheon at Admiral Baker Park this Pascha, Sunday, April 16th, 2023 Menu includes roasted lamb, rice, vegetable side, bread and salad. BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage) and dessert, and leave the cooking to us! Note: tickets are pre-sale only—no sales in the park, so youmust purchase tickets by April 11th . $25 Pascha meal pre-sales Call or text Timmy Paraskevopoulos to purchase ti kets: 714-931-2 t the St. Spyridon Greek and Choral program and join traditional Greek lamb on at Admiral Baker Park this , Sunday, April 16th, 2023 ncludes roasted lamb, rice, ble side, bread and salad. Bring Your Own Beverage) and t, and leave the cooking to us! ickets ar pre-sal only—no the p rk, so youmust se tickets by April 11th . $25 Call or text Timmy Paraskevopoulos to purchase tickets: 714-931-2431 Support the St. Spyridon Greek Dance and Choral prog am nd join us for a t aditional Greek lamb luncheon at Admiral Baker Pa k this Pascha, Sunday, April 16th, 2023 Menu i cludes roasted lamb, rice, vegetable side, bread an salad. BYO (Bring Your Own Beverag ) and dessert, and leav th cooking to us! Note: tickets are p -sale only—no sale in the park, so youmust purchase tickets by April 11th . $25 Call or tex Timmy Paraskevopoulos to purchase tickets: 714-931-2431 ek and join b ark this 2023 , rice, alad. rage) and ing to us! ly—no s th . $25