
3 THE SHEPHERD • APRIL 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO SUNDAY, APRIL 2: Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Hebrews 9:11-14 ✟ Gospel : Mark 10:32-45 SATURDAY, APRIL 8: Saturday of Lazarus w/ Pancake Breakfast & Palm Tying to follow Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM SUNDAY, APRIL 9: Palm Sunday w/ Luncheon to follow Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Philippians 4:4-9 ✟ Gospel : John 12:1-18 SUNDAY, APRIL 9: Bridegroom Service w/Icon Procession 6:00 PM MONDAY, APRIL 10: Great & Holy Monday Bridegroom Service 6:00 PM TUESDAY, APRIL 11: Great & Holy Tuesday Bridegroom Service 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12: Great & Holy Wednesday Holy Unction 3:00 PM Orthros for Holy Thursday w/Anointing to follow 6:00 PM THURSDAY, APRIL 13: Great & Holy Thursday Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great 10:00 AM The 12 Gospel Readings 6:00 PM w/ The Crucifixion FRIDAY, APRIL 14: Great & Holy Friday The reading/chanting of the Royal Hours 10:00 AM The Un-nailing of Christ 3:00 PM Lamentations 6:00 PM SATURDAY, APRIL 15: Great & Holy Saturday Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great 10:00 AM Resurrection Services w/ Paschal Divine Liturgy to follow 11:00 PM Epistle : Acts 1:1-8 ✟ Gospel : John 1:1-17 SUNDAY, APRIL 16: Great & Holy Pascha Agapi Service at Admiral Baker Park 11:00 AM Pascha Picnic to follow SUNDAY, APRIL 23: Sunday of Thomas Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Acts 12:1-11 ✟ Gospel : John 20:19-31 SUN., APRIL 30: Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Acts 6:1-7 ✟ Gospel : Mark 15:43-47, 16:1-8 DIVINE SERVICES BAPTISMS FEB 22: Andrea (Nektaria) Hill-Godwin Godmother: Susan Miserlis MEMORIALS MAR 12: Sarantos Christakos 5 years Zoe Kaisarli 3 years Konstantine Kaisarli 35 years APR 2: Nikitoula Moises 13 years Plato Arapostathis 50 years Aphrodite Vasilakis 15 years Matheos Vasilakis 40 days Congratulations to Nicholas and Brianne Angelopoulos on the birth of their daughter Kalliope Sar- ah born on on February 14, 2023, weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. Proud grand- parents are Christopher and Sarah Angelopoulos and Todd and Mary Anne Corwin. BIRTHS Greetings Friends of the Choir, Our Lenten journey is coming to an end, and we prepare for Pascha, the Resurrection of Christ! We wish each and everyone one of you a beautiful Anastasi! As many of you know, the choir lost a beautiful choir member this past January. Emmanual (Manny) Pegas gained his wings and has joined the choir angels in Heaven. Manny was one of our pillars in the choir. I remember him as a little squirt growing up and then of course having the pleasure of being his Music Director. What he was to so many people is beyond words. Our fondest memories (besides his bass voice) are the heckles and jokes he and his side-kick Greg Kostas would do during Liturgy, most especially, to antagonize me, their director. I will never forget this and I wish I could be heckled once more. We will miss you Manny. You will have a piece of our heart, always. May his memory be eternal. In other news, we are so excited to welcome to the loft, new choir members, Kristina Danga, Orlando Lamce, and Maria Morearty. We are thrilled to welcome you to our family! Happy Birthday to our Dorothy, Libby, andHelen!We pray God grants you many, many years! A big Happy Belated birthday to our Byron!!! We hope it was a special one! What a better way to pray, by singing to God. Come join us! You do not know what you are missing. Singing His Praises, Katherine Loukatos Meck NEWS LOFT FROM THE 40-DAY BLESSINGS FEB 19: Laina Daughter of Basel & Nicole Qumsiyeh Thank you to Philoptochos for hosting a delicious shrimp and linguini luncheon! We really enjoyed our time together and appreciate all the hard work and preparations. Seniors will NOT be meeting in April due to it falling on Holy Week. We plan to meet again on Tuesday, May 9th and details will be posted in next month’s newsletter. SENIORS 2 WOMEN OF THE WORD ing in our own spiritual lives. This, indeed, was rejuvenating and helped us reconfirm our focus on the spir- itual arena as we entered Great and Holy Lent. Wishing everyone all God’s peace, love and strength as we continue our jour- ney to Pascha. With Love in our Risen Lord, +The Women of the Word Bible Study