
12 THE SHEPHERD • APRIL 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Membership is in the air! We held our an- nual Membership Luncheon on Saturday, March 2nd. Warmest thanks to Melanie Anastopulos and Kelly Samouris for once again planning such a special event. We wel- comed our new and returning members! We loved hearing from our very own Lucy Sim- itzes who shared her personal Philoptochos experience with all of us. Lucy’s thoughtful and touching words filled the room with joy- ful smiles and love. We also enjoyed hearing from our guest speaker Dana Kaland who shared her incredible spiritual journey when she walked Spain’s Camino de Santiago . We welcome you all– ladies and gentlemen – to help us make a difference in the lives of many by joining our Anthousa Philoptochos Chapter. If you cannot actively participate, your membership pledge helps to enable us to continue to support many charitable en- deavors within our parish as well as local, na- tional, and international communities – the need is apparent now more than ever! Your continued love and support are greatly ap- preciated. To join, please visit www.anthou- sa.org and click “membership”. The National and Metropolis Philoptochos treasuries each receive $15 of every membership donation; any amount over $30 remains in our local chapter’s treasury. Please contact Melanie Anastopulos at melanieanastopulos@gmail. com or Kalliopi Samouris at nyckelly@cox. net with any question you may have. A Kids ‘n’ Cancer Ministry – Agape, A Cel- ebration of Love: Sunday, April 14th 2:00 PM , Newport Beach Country Club. Please join us for an afternoon of fabulous music, delectable food and good friends at this an- nual Metropolis fundraiser for one of our most beloved ministres. Register at www.sf - philoptochos.org or by calling 415.431.2600 by April 7, 2024. Salvation Army Women of Dedication: April 26, 2024 . Our very own Anthousa Philoptochos sister Christine Cremidan will be honored as a 2024 Salvation Army Woman of Dedication. Christine is being recognized for her many years of commu- nity service, commitment and devotion to serving San Diego. We CONGRATU- LATE Christine! For more information: https://e.givesmart.com/events/y8O/ PASCHA BAKE SALE: It’s time to order your tsourekia and koulourakia for Pascha! Made by the loving hands of our Ladies of Philoptochos, these delicious breads and cookies will be available for pickup on Palm Sunday, April 28th . Please visit www.an - thousa.org to place your online order or use the form in this newsletter to mail in with your payment. By purchasing these deli- cious baked goods you support the many ministries of Philoptochos. AGAPE MEALS are meals offered to our St. Spyridon community members who are in need following illness, hospitaliza- tion, loss of a family member, birth of a child. If you know of a person or family who needs help, or if you are interested in helping to prepare meals, please reach out to Marian Dougenis at 619.520.3660 or mkdougenis@prodigy.net . SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP is offered most Sundays after Divine Liturgy. It is a cher- ished tradition to gather and visit with our church family, made possible through the support of our parishioners. Please sponsor a Sunday Fellowship Hour with your friends and family by providing simple refreshments such as donuts or bagels, fruit, juice, etc. Contact Christina Frangos to schedule a date at 858.220.0071 or christinafrangos1@gmail. com. FEAST DAY ICONS: We invite you to com- memorate a Feast Day or special event in the life of your family by offering a beautifully decorated icon to be displayed in the Nar- thex for all to venerate. The suggested dona- tion amount is $85. Please make checks pay- able to the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philopto- chos Society. To reserve an icon, contact the church office: (619) 297-4165. As we begin the Lenten season, may you use this time to renew your faith and reflect on the blessings that surround you. Join us as we continue to put our faith into action through our many philanthropic ministries. Yours in Christ, Sofia Samouris Anthousa Chapter President 619.518.4537 ssamouris22@gmail.com PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS APARTMENT NEEDED Stefan and Stephanie Kleinhenz are looking to move back to St. Spyridon for a year before seeking the Metropolitan’s blessing to attend Holy Cross. They are asking the community if anyone has an apartment for rent starting this July or August through the summer of 2025. Please call or text Stefan at (619)- 669-8578 if you or anyone you know has availability. Sponsored Announcement CONGRATULATIONS to Christine Cremidan selected as a 2024 Salvation Army Women’s Aux- iliary “WOMAN OF DEDICATION.” She’ll be honored Friday, April 26, 2024 at the 58th Women of Dedica- tion Luncheon at the Marriott Mar- quis, San Diego Marina. Contributions include Church, Com- munity, various Organizations and the Educational Field. Sponsored Announcement It’s with a great deal of enthusiasm, that AHEPA chapter #223 is announcing its new local scholarship awards. Those graduating seniors of AHEPA or of the local Greek Orthodox faith communities are eligible to apply. Extra bonus points will be awarded to those applicants whose parents or extended family members (grandparents) are current members of AHEPA. Deadline is May 31, 2024 . Please contact the AHEPA chapter #223 local leadership for an ap- plication at 619-709-6067. A reminder, the regular monthly meeting of AHEPA #223 will be held on Sunday, April 14th following the Divine Liturgy. All current, past, or new prospective members are heartily invited to join us in our belief and hope in a revitalized AHEPA family, Chapter #223! A.H.E.P.A.