7 THE SHEPHERD • MAY 2021 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Director of Greek School • Paid position • Established school and curriculum • Accredited with the San Diego Unified School District • Ages 4 – HS and Adults • 9 active teachers • Support staff For information please email greekschoolboard@gmail.com POSITION AVAILABLE ✯ SPECIAL ✯ GENERAL ASSEMBLY ✯ MEETING ✯ Sunday, May 23, 2021 Following the Divine Liturgy Please plan to attend this very important meeting. If you cannot attend in person, you may attend via Zoom. A link for accessing this meeting will be emailed in the near future. Please make sure we have your email address on our email list. See our PC President’s message on p. 2 for more details. Happy 300 to our newsletter! Where did time go? Over 40 years ago, in December 1981, the first issue of “The Shepherd” was published. Yes, the early issues were typewritten, photos were cut and pasted, and the final copies were xeroxed. Over the years, the publication was subject to multiple redesigns, and as the publishing technology evolved, so did the look and feel of the newsletter. Content was gradually reimagined and updated to cater to the needs of our ever-growing community. Countless hours have been spent on writing news, editorials, and words of inspiration by our beloved priests, our office staff and our ministry leaders. That many more hours have been dedicated to its layout, trying to fit all the necessary information on its pages with the skill of mastering Tetris and often fitting square pegs in round holes. I am humbled to have picked up its publishing responsibility 10 years ago and thankful for the opportunity to keep it going for as long as I am able. So here’s to 300 more issues! – Nektarios Tradas