
2 THE SHEPHERD • MAY 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Christos Anesti! Last week, we heard His message, we pro- claimed “Christ is Risen!” and then we went home. Following the crescendo of the experi- ence, we can let our lives slip away back into normalcy or we can draw from it the calling to go out and live His message. In coming months, I hope and pray that we will contin- ue to feel the glow of His light and to radiate His message to forgive and love one another. Many thanks to all who made this Lent such a wonderful experience. Thanks to our GOYA youth who hosted the Palm Sunday Luncheon. Thanks to all those who cooked, baked, dyed the eggs, and decorated the Ep- itaphio. Thanks to our Youth Director and all who helped for putting together another wonderful Holy Friday Retreat for our youth. Thanks to the Dance and Choral Group for offering the wonderful meals at the Pascha Picnic. Thanks to everyone who participat- ed and served; it was so wonderful to see so many of you. In the coming month, there will be many more opportunities for us to serve. The Greek Festival is right around the corner (June 10th & 11th) and the Festival Commit- tee is in search of volunteers. Cooking and baking has begun and will continue through the month. Please come and join the fun in preparing all the delicious food and pastries. If you would like to help with the Festival, please contact the Church Office or Nancy Provataris. Pascha is a new beginning. He is calling us to take up our cross and follow Him with our whole heart. As we rejoice “Christos Anes- ti” with one another, may we remember His words and encourage one another to contin- ue our effort to walk in His way. Many Blessings, Jim Gilpin Parish Council President FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT continues 3 Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Our group has finished our study for this year. Even though we're not meeting togeth- er right now, we still are women connected constantly with the Word, contemplating each daily Scripture, growing our practice of prayer, and reading a variety of books. During Lent some of us just finished The Crucifixion of the King of Glory: The Amaz- ing History and Sublime Mystery of the Pas- sion by our own Presvytera Jeannie (Euge- nia Scarvelis) Constantinou. Such a timely contemplation of the reality of the cross as Christ’s chosen path to the Resurrection and a constant reminder to us that “Through the Cross, Joy has come into the World.” Another one of our group has been reading Homilies During Great Lent Volume I by Saint Nektarios Kefalas. And shared this poi- gnant quote about dealing with afflictions: “We must bear them with patience; firstly, be- cause when we are impatient, we do not hear attentively; and, secondly, because whoever endures afflictions here with patience shall re- ceive a reward in the life to come.” Another one of our sisters is enjoying read- ing Father Stephen Freeman’s new book Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, which she says is helpful “in understanding ourselves and others, and a guide to both heal- ing and repentance.” Another member of our group shared this new book that just came out titled Church of Our Granddaughters by Dr. Carrie Fredrick Frost about the history of the order of the deacons and deaconesses in the Orthodox Church. Dr. Frost focuses on the Incarnation of Christ where all humans are One in Christ and looks at how “the role of women in the church is anchored in this reality of the Incar- nation.” A couple of us are also immersed in Sister Vassa Larin's new book: Praying in Time: The Hours & Days in Step with Orthodox Christian Tradition. It's about redeeming and sanctifying time by praying the Hours and offers the reader suggestions on how to take brief moments throughout the day to turn our minds to Christ in prayer. Sr. Vas- sa encourages: “It is through this constant "work," on an hourly and daily basis, that we nourish and keep alive our faith in Christ, and it is through that living faith that we remain in communion with Him and the entire ‘commu- nion of the saints.’… lending our voices to the WOMEN WORD OF THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE Another wonderful Paschal season has just ended, and what a delightful and fulfilling experience it was. Christos Anesti! We, the Stewardship Committee, first and foremost, would once again like to say “thank you” for your continuing support of our stewardshipministry.The Stewardship Report for March is in, and we have had another robust first quarter ending March 31st. And, as a reminder, the Church itself has seen growth in younger families and youth activities because of our new Youth Director, Julie Dennis. As well as expanded dance activities, because of our new Dance and Choral Board President, Timmy Paraskevopoulos. This year Dance and Choral School even offered a catered luncheon at our Greek Pascha Picnic. Our parish has a large variety of social events, Bible studies, Seniors events, and more! Thus, we respectively ask you once again to do what you can do to financially support your church parish in this reopening of the parish post Covid. Your financial commitment allows the Parish Council to continue to reach out and meet the needs of those in need and support the many and varied ministries, events and activities of St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church. On behalf of the Parish Council, the Stewardship Committee once again says “thank you” and God bless you during this extraordinary season. Sincerely, The Stewardship Committee John Kalas, Fr. Andrew Scordalakis, Chairperson Priest Ben De La Riva, Jim Gilpin, Bill Navrides, Stephen Thiros, Spero Tzathas PIZZA WITH A PURPOSE Show this flyer or mention the organization listed below on your visit, and California Pizza Kitchen will DONATE 20% OF ALL FOOD & BEVERAGE SALES on your check to the organization listed below. Purchases include dine-in, take-out, catering, and online orders at CPK.com when you enter BACK20% at checkout. PIZZA WITH A PURPOSE Show this flyer or mention the organization listed below on your visit, and California Pizza Kitchen will DONATE 20% OF ALL FOOD & BEVERAGE SALES on your check to the organization listed below. Purchases include dine-in, take-out, catering, and online orders at CPK.com when you enter BACK20% at checkout. Fundraiser in support of: Fundraiser in support of: Please join us May 17th at any San Diego County California Pizza Kitchen location. Mention Rady's Children's Hospital and 20% of your dine-in or carry-out bill will be donated to Rady Children’s Hospital Heart Institute in George’s memory. In memory of George M. Platis PIZZA WITH A PURPOSE Fundraiser validonlyon thedate(s)andat theCPK location(s) identifiedon thisflyer.Only501corganizationsandnon-profit schoolsareeligible to participate inCPK’s fundraiserprogram.CPKwilldonate20% (twentypercent)ofall foodandbeverage sales to theorganization.Tax,gratuity,gift cardand retailsalesareexclud d from thedonation.Valid fordine-in, takeout,online,catering,curbsideordeliveryordersplaceddirectlywithCPK. Not valid forordersplacedor fulfilled through third-partydelivery.Void if flyer isdistributed inornear restaurant.Formore informationabout the 501corganizationparticipating inthe fundraiser,pleasecontacttheorganizationdirectly.Notvalidat franchise locations inGuam,stadium,university, international,airport locations,ortheGrandSierraResortandCasino. Show this flyer or mention the organization listed below on your visit, and California Pizza Kitchen will DONATE 20% OF ALL FOOD & BEVERAGE SALES on your check to the organization listed below. Purchases include dine-in, take-out, c tering, and online o d r at CPK.com when you enter BACK20% at checkout. V3 PIZZA WITH A PURPOSE Fundraiser validonlyon thedate(s)andat theCPK location(s) identifiedon thisflyer.Only501corganizationsandnon-profit schoolsareeligibleto participate inCPK’s fundraiserprogram.CPKwilldonate20% (twentypercent)ofall foodandbeverage sales to theorganization.Tax,gratuity,gift cardand retailsalesareexcluded from thedonation.Valid fordine-in, takeout,onlin ,catering,curbsideordeliveryordersplaceddirectlywithCPK. Not valid forordersplacedor fulfilled through third-partydelivery.Void if flyer isdistributed inornear restaurant.For ore informationabout the 501corganizationparticipating inthe fundraiser,pleasecontacttheorganizationdirectly.Notvalidat franchise locations inGuam,stadium,university, international,airport locations,ortheGrandSierraResortandCasino. Show this flyer or mention the organization listed below on your visit, and California Pizza Kitchen will DONATE 20% OF ALL FOOD & BEVERAGE SALES on your check to the organization listed below. Purchases include dine-in, take-out, catering, and online orders at CPK.com when you enter BACK20% at checkout. V3 Valid at the following locations CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN Valid at the following locations CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN Fundraiser in support of: Fundraiser in support of: Rady Children' Hospital San Diego Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 (All Day) Fashion Valley Otay Ranch Solana Beach Carmel Mountain Escondido cpk.com Rady Children's Hospital San Diego Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 (All Day) Fashion Valley Otay Ranch Solana Beach Carmel Mountain Escondido cpk.com PIZZA WITH A PURPOSE Fundraiser validonlyon thedate(s)andattheCPK locatio (s) identified n thisflyer.O ly501corganizationsandnon-profit schoolsareeligible o participate inCPK’s fundraiserprogram.CPKwilldonate20% (twentypercent)ofall foodandb verage sales to theorganization.Tax,gratuity,gif cardand retailsalesareexcluded from thedonation.Valid fordine-in, takeout,onli e,catering,c rbsideordeliveryorder placeddirectlywithCPK. Not valid forordersplacedor fulfille through third-partydelivery.Vod if flyer isdistibute nornear restaurant.Formoreinform tionabout the 501corganizationparticipating i the fundaser,pleasecontacttheoganizationdirecly.Notvalidat franchiselocationsinGuam, tadium,unversity, international,airport locations,ortheGrandSierraResortandCasino. Show this flyer or mention the orga ization listed below on your visit, and California Pizza Kitchen will DONATE 20% OF ALL F OD & BEVERAG SALES on your check t the organization listed below. Purchases include dine-in, take-out, c tering, and online or ers at CPK.com when you ent r BACK20% at checkout. V3 PIZZA WI PURPO Fundraser validonlyon thedate(s)andattheCPK location(s) identifiedon thisflyer.Only501co participate inCPK’s fundraiserprogram.CPKwilldonate20% (twentypercent)ofall foodandbe cardand retailsalesareexcluded from thedonation.Valid fordine-in, takeout,online,catering,cu Not valid forordersplacedor fulfilled through third-partydelivery.Void if flyer isdistributed inor 501corganizationparticipating inthe fundraiser,pleasecontacttheorganizationdirectly.Notvalida international,airport locations,ortheGrandSierraResortandCasino. Show this flyer or mention the organizat on your visit, and California Pizza K DONATE 20% OF ALL FOOD & BE on your check to the organization listed belo dine-in, take-out, catering, and online or when you enter BACK20% at c Valid at the fol owing locati ns CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN Valid at the following location CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITC Fundraiser in suppo t of: Fundraiser in support of: Rady Children's Hospital San Diego Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 (All Day) Fashion Valley Otay Ranch Solana Beach Carmel Mountain Escondido cpk.com Rady Children's Hospital S Wednesday, May 17th, (All Day) Fashion Valley Otay Ranch Solana Beach Carmel Mountain Escondido cpk.com