
4 THE SHEPHERD • MAY 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO As we enter the Paschal Season this year, we are also running right into the end of the school year for many families. Although it is easy to let the busy-ness of the end of the school year take over; this year, we are bless- ed to have Pascha right at the beginning of May. We are blessed to have the Glory and Light of Pascha to guide us right through the end of the school year. Registration for Vacation Church School is still open! Register on the Youth Ministries Website to get the Early Bird Discount! VCS will be July 15th – 19th, from 9am-12pm dai- ly. After care options until 4pm are available by request. https://sites.google.com/stspyr- idon.org/stspyridonyouthministries Update on St. Nicholas Ranch Camp: Bill Navrides is once again organizing a bus for Southern California Youth to provide trans- portation for the long trip to camp for week one: July 7th-13th. The camp is full for that week, but is accepting wait list campers. If your child or teen is planning on attending camp, be sure to reach out to Mr. Navrides (navridesfamily@gmail.com ) to secure a spot on the bus to and from St. Nicholas! Be sure to sign up for the Youth Ministries email list on our website: https://sites.google. com /stspyridon.org/stspyridonyouthmin- istries. Follow us on Facebook (St. Spyr- idon GOC San Diego) and Instagram: @ youthstspyridon. To volunteer or get more information on any of the Youth Ministries at St. Spyridon, contact Julie Dennis, Youth Ministries Director: 619-940-5167 or email youthministries@stspyridon.org. GOYA (Greek Orthodox Youth Association) A big thanks to John Kalas , who organized our Senior GOYA teens (grades 9-12) for the first Movie Club! We watched the mov- ie, Boys in the Boat, and had a discussion with Father Andrew and Mr. Kalas about the movie’s implications in their lives. If you hav- en’t seen the movie yet, it is worth the watch! GOYA would also like to thank Bill Navrides for his leadership and service for the Palm Sunday Luncheon. It is such a wonderful op- portunity for all of our community to come together to celebrate our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem. We are thankful beyond measure for Mr. Navrides. We would also like to take a moment to remember Bill’s wife, Stepha- nie Navrides, whose birthday fell on Palm Sunday this year. She gave so much of her love, time, and service to GOYA. We miss you dearly, Stephanie! May her memory be eternal! HOPE &JOY (Holy Orthodox Primary Education &Junior Orthodox Youth): St. Innocent Orphanage in Rosarito, Mexi- co is an Orthodox Orphanage that provides homes and education to children and teens. Project Mexico home building ministry is also part of the organization. This past year, St. Innocent Orphanage expanded their or- phanage to include infants in a brand new facility, Casa Cuña! To help the youngest at the orphanage, our Youth Group hand-made 24 soft and fluffy pillows to donate to Casa Cuna! We are sure that the caregivers and the little babies will enjoy them! Sunday School We began Great and Holy Lent with the Procession of the Icons and continued our Lenten journey by participating in lessons that reinforce each step on our journey to Pascha. Some of the lessons have included a Holy Communion book, stained glass Lent- en Cross where kids colored each section of the Cross for each Lenten activity, Steps to Forgivenenss, a string art Cross, and making a Holy Spirit kite. Sunday School and our community enjoyed a Lenten Pancake Brunch while folding Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday. Thanks to Renee Maude for organizing and thank you to all of the parishioners who stayed and helped fold Palm Crosses! The last day of Sunday School is May 19th . Sunday School would like to invite all of you to celebrate a great year with us on May 19th with an ice cream party fellowship! We will also take time to recognize our high school graduates. We hope you will join us in the celebration! Last Call for High School Seniors! Please email youthministries@stspyridon.org as soon as possible! We would like to acknowl- edge all of our Graduating Seniors at our Sunday School Promotion on May 19th. YOUTH MINISTRIES