
9 THE SHEPHERD • MAY 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Sponsored Announcement APRIL REVIEW: Our heartfelt appreciation to the AHEPAns who generously sponsored lunch – deliciously prepared by Vicky Mel- los, Niki Dougenis, and Jenny Capetanakis. Thank you dear ladies for your faithful de- votion to this one of many church minis- tries you serve! Big thanks also to Eleni & John Petropoulos , Lucy Simitzes, and Jen- nie Hinkle . Timken Museum of Art Docent Dr. Florence M. Gillman , retired professor of Biblical Studies, USD, presented slides to complement her extensive historical knowl- edge of Russian Iconography. She explained the many differences between Russian and Greek Icons. She also presented slides of Greek Icons from her travels to Saint Cath- erine’s Monastery in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. If you’re interested in seeing their extensive collection of Russian Iconography, you can visit the Timken Museum in Balboa Park. MAY MEETING: Young at Heart will fea- ture a Mexican theme for Cinco de Mayo , Ole! Come join us Tuesday, May 14th, for a Mexican Fiesta hosted by Irene Veca in lov- ing memory of her father’s 10th year memo- rial. Theodoros Georgaris, together with her mother Dorothea, were active members of our Seniors ministry for many years. They loved working at and attending monthly meetings while sharing time with all their friends from St. Spyridon. After lunch, we’ll be entertained by local performer Candy Sil- va (on keyboard) singing from her musical repertoire of the standards, oldies 60s, 70s, Pop and Latin. Candy will also sing several Mexican popular tunes in keeping with our theme! RSVP to Cynthia Samarkos at 619- 582-4109, by Saturday, May 11. YOUNG AT HEART SENIOR CARE Need someone to take care of your elderly? I speak Greek, I drive, and I can provide the care they need. Give me a call! Christina Kourte: 858.261.8330 AHEPA Supreme President Savas Tsivicos visited our District and our region Chapters 223 and 505 in April. He was accompanied by Canada’s AHEPA President Emmanu- el Constas, District 20 Governor, Nicholas Angelos, and Executive Director of AHEPA Basil Mossaidis. The Supreme President initiated 7 newmem- bers to our chapter: Sam Lambros, Maximos Nikitas, Mihalis Savva, Alexandros Stav- ropoulos, Georgios Stavropoulos, Alexios Savvides, and Stathis Visvikis . It was a well-attended event hosted by Chap- ter 505 of Saints Constantine and Helen GOC filled with comradery, conversations, and a great chance for our brothers to meet and greet the Supreme President of AHEPA. The Supreme President awarded the AHEPA Heroes medal to our Chapter 223 President Christoforos Savvides, amongst others, for his contribution to the AHEPA organization and urged participation to the National Con- vention this summer in Cyprus recognizing the 50th year of invasion and occupation of the island by the Turkish troops. A.H.E.P.A.