
7 THE SHEPHERD • JUNE 2021 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Christos Anesti from the bookstore sta ! ere are now 5 volumes of the Philokalia in print. e Philokalia , which means “the love of the holy, good/exhaulted and beau- tiful” is a collection of writings, centering on practicing the virtues and spiritual living for clergy, laity, and monastics. It is a major Orthodox spiritual resource, a er e Holy Bible. e Philokalia was rst assembled at Mount Athos by Ss. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain and Makarios of Corinth. e rst edition was published at Venice in 1782; a second was at Athens in 1893; and a third at Athens between 1957 and 1963. All the orig- inal writings in the Philokalia were written in Greek except for two, which were in Lat- in but then translated to the Greek during the time of the Byzantine Empire. Its rich assortment of literature provides boundless wisdom and guidance from the Saints and Church Fathers regarding prayer, the soul’s ascent to God and our struggle to overcome the passions. e long awaited English trans- lation of the h volume of the Philokalia is now available in the bookstore. It explores the central themes of the 14th century Or- thodox theology of Hesychasm, relating to the life of stillness & the practice of the Jesus Prayer. It is also full of mystical devotions and meditations on God and man, as well as our work on our union with God. For any items in the bookstore, arrangements can be made for payment, pick up or deliv- ery. Pease text Stephanie at 619-203-2355. We are looking forward to the summer months and hopefully in due time with our Metropolis’s guidance seeing you all soon! All our best, Mary Mastorakos, Pat Tsopanoglou, Collette Pepelis, Stephanie Mourafetis, and Francesca Captain LIBRARY & BOOKSTORE Congratulatory and personal greetings and announcements for any occasion such as Name Days, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, etc., but also messages for sad circumstances and wishing well. For more information, call 858.292.6070 or email info@theshepherdnews.com Personal Greetings! Holy Week 2021