1 THE SHEPHERD • JUNE 2022 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO FROM THE DESK OF FATHER ANDREW www.theshepherdnews.com The Shepherd Newsletter My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On Sunday, June 19th the Church, you and I, will remember and cele- brate the “Sunday of All Saints.” I have said much about the Triodion as a period of time and a text/book but little about the Pentecostarion. e Pentecostari- on is also a period of time and a text as well. e Penecostarion “opens” on Holy and Great Satur- day evening and “closes” following the celebration of “All Saints Sunday.” e Saints of the Church are truly Her Super Heroes. ey are Her authentic role models. ey were not per- fect but represent in a very tangible way, that a life in Christ is very possible, and will most likely require some kind of sacri ce and much work. e Orthodox Christian is called to be ac- tive and not passive, and the Saints continu- ally remind us of that truth. e Saints of the Church gave of themselves for the betterment of the Church. Some spent their lives praying and studying in their ear- nest attempt to draw closer to Christ. Many built churches, orphanages, and monasteries. ey fed the poor, clothed the naked, and visited the sick. ey whole-heartedly tried to accomplish all that Christ commands from those who call themselves Christians. e Saints spent their lives building up the Body of Christ here on earth through prayer, study, and good works. Other Saints, known as Martyrs, shed their blood for their belief in Christ. ey were so con dent toward their faith in Christ that when they were given a choice between de- nying Christ and dying, they without hesi- tation chose earthly death for spiritual life. e Martyrs knew well of the Scripture pas- sage that reads, if a person denies Christ in this world, He (Christ) will deny them in the next, before His heavenly Father (Matthew 10:33). erefore, the choice of the Martyrs to confess Christ as Lord and Savior was re- ally not that di cult. is is so because they held rm their belief in the resurrection; that one day they would be granted eternal life. e faith of the Saints was rm and unwavering. eir belief in Christ, who grants eternal life to those who believe, was never lost. at is why we Ortho- dox Christians believe that the saints are in the “pres- ence of God.” is is why we ask the Saints to inter- cede to Christ our God. Because the Saints are in God’s presence, they are very close to Him and He hears their supplications that they o er on our behalf when we call upon them. e Saints of the Church were not perfect. However, they were on the road to perfec- tion through their correct belief and correct works. ey, as St. Paul reminds us, “were in the race;” a race that must be run with perse- verance. May the lives of the Saints inspire us to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ our God, to be in the race. May their lives encourage you to remain rm in your faith, and to walk upon the path that leads into the Kingdom of Heaven where the Saints forever rejoice. May our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ continue to guide, protect, and illu- mine you and your families, Amen. +A IN THIS ISSUE FR. ANDREW ............................................. p. 1 PRESIDENT OF THE PARISH COUNCIL, PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS, WOMEN OF THE WORD ................................................. p. 2 CHOIR, MEMORIALS, DIVINE SERVICES, HOLY SACRAMENTS, SUNDAY SCHOOL...................................................... p. 3 GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL, GRADUATES .............................................. p. 4 GOYA NEWS .............................................. p. 5 GREEK FESTIVAL UPDATES.................... p. 6 GREEK FESTIVAL ...................................... p. 7 GREEK FESTIVAL BAKING PHOTOS ..... p. 8 MASTER PLANNING COMMITTEE ....... p. 9 CALENDAR................................................. p. 10 A.H.E.P.A. .................................................... p. 11 CONTACT INFORMATION ...................... p. 12 The Shepherd The official newsletter publication for the parish of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church of San Diego I S S U E 3 1 3 • J U N E 2 0 2 2 Greek FestivaL Turn to page 7 >>> june 18-19