5 THE SHEPHERD • JUNE 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Sponsored Announcements Congratulations Graduates! Youth Ministries would like to congratulate all of our high school and college graduates this year! Your St. Spyridon Family will be praying for the next steps on your journey, for you to make a choice and a decision for Jesus each day, and for you to seek God in all you do. From Jeremiah 29:11 (36:11), “For I shall consider a plan of peace for you, to give you good things and not calamities. Therefore, pray to Me and I will hear you. Seek Me and you will find Me, because you seek Me with all your heart.” We pray this for you. GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL Another memorable and exciting year came to an end at our Greek school. We look forward to being back in the fall and continue shar- ing with our students the depths of our language and heritage. Those of you interested in acquiring the Greek language please stop by the San Diego’s Greek Language School Booth at the Greek festival sched- uled on June 10th and June 11th. You will have the opportunity to meet our teachers and representa- tives. We are eager to assist you and share with you our school’s curricu- la and activities. Additionally, if you are fluent in our Greek language and considering a career path that will enhance our students’ linguistic rep- ertoire, please contact us via email at stspyridongreekschool@gmail.com or via phone at (858) 616-7520. We currently have openings and would appreciate your support! Our Greek School team would like to thank our students, parents, and community for their trust, support, and commitment throughout this school year. We are excited to see you all again in the Fall. Have a won- derful summer! Καλό Καλοκαίρι και Καλή αντάμωση (Kalí antámosi!)! Nancy Provataris Greek School Director 909 Prospect Avenue 858.352.6588 spiroscuisine.com Now open in the heart of La Jolla! Extensive Greek & mediterranean menu Delicious Greek desserts Fine wines, local & imported draft beer Patio for outdoor seating A fulfilling dining experience Open for lunch & dinner, 11AM to 9PM Catering for all events, big & small Online order & delivery available HIGH SCHOOL Anastasia (Ana) Vasilios Constantine is graduating from Mira Mesa High School and will attend San Diego State University. Athena Davis is graduating fromWest- view High School and will attend the University of San Diego. Christo Jozef Anghel is graduating from Home Learning Academy High School in Meridian, Idaho, and will at- tend the College of Western Idaho. Eleni Arapostathis is graduating from Helix High School, will attend Univer- sity of California, Irvine, and major in Computer Science. Julia Dahl is graduating from Del Norte High School, will attend Mira- mar College and major in Mechanical Engineering. Marianna Dick is graduating from Coronado High School and will attend Westminster College in Utah, playing Lacrosse for the college. Natalya Salim is graduating from East- lake High School, will attend University of California San Diego, and major in Human Developmental Sciences. Marina Navrides is graduating from Helix High School and will attend Grossmont College. Mark Gikas is graduating Hong Kong International School and will attend Duke University in North Carolina. Laila Aliano is graduating from San Marcos High School, will attend San- ta Barbara City College, and plans to transfer to University of California, San- ta Barbara. Nicole Terris is graduating from La Costa Canyon High School, will attend California State University San Marcos, and major in Kinesiology. Penelope Kalamaras is graduating from Santa Fe Christian and will attend University of Southern California. Penny Preovolos is graduating from La Jolla Country Day and will attend Carn- egie Mellon. Petros and Nikos Kapetanios are grad- uating from Hilltop High School and will attend San Diego State University. Vasiliki Mellos is graduating from Tor- rey Pines High School and will attend University of California, Santa Cruz. Zoe Searles is graduating from Coronado High School, will attend University of California Los Angeles, and major in Mathematics and Applied Sciences on a Pre-Med track. COLLEGE Gabrielle Angeles is graduating from Laguna College of Art and Design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Animation, Cum Laude. Mariana Frangos is graduating with Honors from Stanford Uni- versity with a degree in Mathematical and Computational Science and a minor in Economics. She will start her career at Microsoft in Seattle in the fall as a Product Manager. Anastasios Moros is graduating with a Masters Degree in Creative Writing from San Diego State University.