11 THE SHEPHERD • JUNE 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Sponsored Announcement BOOKSTORE Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ is Risen! Looking for some summer read- ing? The bookstore has 2 new great books in stock written by The Louhs. Who are The Louhs? Rev. Dr. Nich- olas Louh is a priest, and his wife Dr. Roxanne Louh is a clinical psy- chologist. In their lives they are a marriage of two different worlds of elds of study. Their work unites the seemingly opposing elds of faith and psychology that leads to inward re ection and transformation. In a world that keeps getting louder with meaningless chatter, their voic- es inspire us, move us and point us to God. In their latest publication 6 Hours, 7 Lessons: How Christ’s Light Transcends Our Darkness they fo- cus on Jesus’ darkest moments on the Cross where He uttered seven statements that offer us tremendous wisdom in our own dark seasons. In their rst book, Renewing You: A Priest, a Psychologist, and a Plan they focus on the key elements to unlock areas of our lives that hold us back from fully experiencing the renewal and transformation God has in mind for us. This book draws deeply from Scripture and the wisdom of the an- cient Church to inspire us to grow to become our best selves, for our time on earth, and for the greater bene t of the Kingdom of God. These books do a wonderful job utilizing faith, Scripture, and psychology to guide the reader on how to live a better life. Pick up your copy today! Happy Summer! Stephanie Mourafetis, Mary Mas- torakos, Pat Tsopanoglou, Collette Pepelis, and Francesca Captain FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY CLEANINGS • MAINTENANCE PREVENTION • FAMILY CARE PEDIATRIC CARE • COSMETICS ORTHODONTICS • PRESERVATION DR. BARR INGTON STEPHAN BARRINGTON DDS 6398 DEL CERRO BLVD, SUITE 1 SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 619.286.1181 DRBARRINGTONSD.COM Viva the Young at Heart!! Last month’s Mexican-themed fiesta was our largest gathering yet with close to 70 attending. Brothers Chris and Alex Veca, owners of Sifnos Cater- ing, prepared a yummy Mexican lunch. We want to thank them and their mother Irene, who sponsored our lunch in memory of her father Theodoros Georgaris’ 10 year me- morial. Local musician Candy Silva provided lively entertainment which had many of us up and dancing as she sang a collection of popular tunes and Mexican standards. Thank you to all who helped make this a fun and memorable gathering! Young at Heart is happy to welcome six new members: Michelle Defe- lippi, Liliana Gomez, Mary Ann Joseph, Irene Petropoulos, Jennifer Simpson and Jeanette Stavros! Thank you to all our current members and please keep spreading the word. We welcome seniors of all ages! Annual dues are just $10! Because of the Greek Festival, we will not meet at church this month. However, on Tuesday, June 18th , we are planning a group outing; lunch followed by a matinée movie. Look for more details in upcoming weekly bulletins. To those of you who like playing BINGO, mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 9th . We will serve a piz- za and salad lunch. No need to bring any prize gifts as we have many col- lected. In consideration of those who pre- pare or cater our lunches, please re- member each month to call Cynthia Samarkos at 619-582-4109 by the Friday before the meeting if you plan to attend. For July, RSVP by Friday, July 5th. YOUNG AT HEART