
6 THE SHEPHERD • JUNE 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO SESSION 1: July 7th - 13th ST. NICHOLAS RANCH SUMMER CAMP 2024 WWW.GOSFYOUTH.ORG DUNLAP, CA Campers can be ages 8-18 SoCal Bus! ONLY $175! TO and FROM Camp for Session 1 Contact Bill Navrides to register for the bus: navridesfamily@gmail.com and 619-992-6775 Alexandra Mouzas DRE# 00969679 International President’s Circle & Diamond Society Celebrating 36 years Alex@AlexandraMouzas.Com • AlexandraMouzas.Com 619-518-2755 Congratulations Graduates! Youth Ministries would like to congratulate all of our high school graduates this year! Your St. Spyridon Family will be praying for the next steps on your journey, for you to find other Orthodox Christians wherever you are, and for you to feel the strength of the Lord every day. From Isaiah 40:31, “But those who wait on God shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not hunger.” This is our prayer for you! HIGH SCHOOL • Alexios Savvides is graduating from Patrick Henry High School, will attend Cal Poly San Louis Obispo, and major in Civil Engineering. • Andreana Frangos is graduating from Coronado High School, will attend Cornell University, and major in Hotel Administration. • Christina Doupsas is graduating from La Jolla Country Day High School and will attend Claremont McKenna College. • Elena Thiros is graduating from Dimensions Collaborative School, will pursue Culinary Arts Education, and continue her Home Bakery. • Ellia Samouris is graduating from Del Norte High School and will take a gap year in preparation for entering a Musical Theater Program. • Ioanna Capetanakis is graduating from Long Beach Polytechnic High School, will attend Claremont McKenna College, and major in Economics. • Jack Dougenis is graduating from St. Augustine High School, will attend San Diego State University, and major in Business. • Lia Andronikou is graduating from Cathedral Catholic High School and will attend community college. • Luka Maude is graduating from Mt. Carmel High School, will attend Palomar College, and pursue a degree in Criminal Justice. • Matthew Canaris is graduating from High Tech High School. • Theo Huntalas is graduating from Del Norte High School, will attend Ohio State University, and major in Computer Science and Engineering. COLLEGE • Alexandra Yeatts graduated with a Juris Doctorate from The George Washington University Law School in May 2024. • John Navrides graduated from UC Irvine with a Degree in Criminal Justice in December 2023. • Asimina Constantine graduated from SDSU with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. Congratulations Asimina Constantine on receiving your Bach- elor of Science, Business Administration (General Business) degree from San Diego State! We are so proud of you! Mama, Baba, Athena, & Ana! Sponsored Announcement Sponsored Announcement