
7 THE SHEPHERD • JUNE 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO AT THE CORONADO FERRY LANDING 619.435.1225 WWW.SPIROSCAFE.COM Best Greek food in the region Draft beer varieties Imported & domestic wine Spacious indoor/outdoor seating Panoramic views of S.D. Bay Catering Available 909 Prospect Avenue 858.352.6588 spiroscuisine.com Now open in the heart of La Jolla! Extensive Greek & mediterranean menu Delicious Greek desserts Fine wines, local & imported draft beer Patio for outdoor seating A fulfilling dining experience Open for lunch & dinner, 11AM to 9PM Catering for all events, big & small Online order & delivery available Sponsored Announcement As we reach the end of another en- riching academic journey, it’s with great pride and appreciation that we reflect on the achievements, chal- lenges, and cherished moments that have defined this school year. From the first day of excitement to the final farewells, each step of the way has contributed to the vibrant tapestry of our Greek school community. Throughout the year, our students have demonstrated resilience, cre- ativity, and an unwavering commit- ment to learning. Whether it was mastering new concepts in the class- room or participating in cultural events their dedication has been tru- ly inspiring. As we bid farewell to the current school year, we also eagerly antic- ipate the return of our students for the upcoming academic year. The summer break provides an opportu- nity for rest and rejuvenation, but it also serves as a prelude to the excite- ment of reuniting with our students and embarking on new educational adventures together. To our returning students, we cannot wait to welcome you back with open arms and excited hearts. Together, we will continue to create a support- ive and enriching learning environ- ment where each student can thrive and succeed. As we close this chapter and look ahead to the new school year, let us carry forward the lessons learned, the friendships made, and the mem- ories cherished. With optimism and enthusiasm, let us embrace the op- portunities that lie ahead and con- tinue to strive for excellence in all that we do. Thank you to our students, parents, and staff for your dedication, sup- port, and commitment to our Greek school community. Here’s to a mem- orable school year filled with growth, learning, and endless possibilities. Until we meet again, farewell, and see you soon! Nancy Provataris, PhD Greek Language School Director GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL S A I N T S P Y R I D O N G R E E K O R T H O D O X C H U R C H July 15th - 19th, 9am-12pm 2024 $35 be f or e J une 1 s t $40 a f t e r J une 1 s t $20 f or s i b l i ngs . FAITH . FUN . MUSIC . GAMES . CRAFTS . youthministries@stspyridon.org https://sites.google.com/stspyridon.org/stspyridonyouthministries @youthstspyridon more info: 619-940-5167 Kids of Volunteers are free! Youth Leaders are free! Participants: Preschool - 5th Grade Youth Leaders: 6th - 12th Grade Click or Scan to Register 2 WOMEN OF THE WORD essence saying “Yes, I love you with a brotherly love of friend- ship and deep affection.” And finally realizing that Peter is not “there yet”, has not yet understood the depth and meaning of this New Commandment, and as Hilary of Poitiers writes, “The Lord stoops to the level even of our feeble understanding,” Christ rephrases the question for the third time, this time referring to philia, coming down to Peter’s current level of friendship love, knowing that as Peter matures in the faith, he will eventually understand the sacrificial love of agape as he gives his own life for Christ, His Savior through his own crucifixion, truly demonstrating what Christ’s other disciple, John writes, “Let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.” (1Jn.3:18) With Love in our Risen Lord, Blessed Holy Ascension and Pentecost to everyone, + The WOW Bible Study Group ies e! S A I N T S P Y R I D O N G R E E K O R T H O D O X C H U R C H July 15th - 19th, 9am-12pm 2024 $35 be f or e J une 1 s t $40 a f t e r J une 1 s t $20 f or s i b l i ngs . FAITH . FUN . MUSIC . GAMES . CRAFTS . y uthministries@stspyrid n. rg https://sites.google.com/stspyridon.org/stspyridonyouthministries @youthstspyridon more info: 619-940-5167 Kids of Volunteers are free! Youth Leaders are free! Participants: Preschool - 5th Grade Yout Leaders: 6th - 12th Grade Click or Scan to Register