8 THE SHEPHERD • JUNE 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO DANCE & CHORAL With spring in full swing, and the Festival just around the corner, the Greek Dance and Choral school is winding down for the summer and reflecting on our year end. We had an amazing turnout at the Pascha Pic- nic Lunch on May 5th. We sold over 210 delectable lamb and ham lunches with proceeds benefitting our school. Putting together an epic meal like this takes many volunteers, but with- out the help of our beloved parishio- ner, Paschali Koutzmbis , we couldn’t make it happen! Thank you for be- ing our chef on your name day once again this year and making our event such a huge success! Xronia Polla! After celebrating the glorious Resur- rection of our Lord, we are now re- suming dance practices with the Fes- tival in mind. This year, you can join Greek Dance free from tuition for 30 days and perform at the Festival. The turnout has been amazing, especially from our Young Adult group named “Parea” where we have assembled a group 15+ strong! With just a few days to go before the Festival, we are very excited to see everyone perform! Our Middle and High School aged group, Pelagos, performed at the Benchley-Weinberger Multicultural event on May 17th where the crowd came out in droves to join us on the dance floor. This summer we’re look- ing forward to more performances (Patrons of the Prado “Night at the Acropolis” July 27th) but also, a little break until we resume classes again in the fall. Next year, we plan on continuing with all our groups, Ta Spiridonakia (Ele- mentary), Pelagos (Middle and High School), Parea (Young Adult) and we’ll be adding a series of beginner and intermediate adult dance classes in the fall. If you are a dancer or in- terested in being a dance instructor, please reach out to stspyridondance@ gmail.com or call 714-931-2431. Re- member, we are available to perform at weddings, baptisms, corporate events, fundraisers and as outreach for charitable organizations.