
1 THE SHEPHERD • JULY 2021 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO FROM THE DESK OF FATHER ANDREW www.theshepherdnews.com The Shepherd Newsletter My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, To be sure it has been a long and concerning f- teen months but major change is upon us. From the beginning of the Pandemic we have fol- lowed the guidance from the CDC but more closely, from the State and local (San Diego county) authorities. e Governor has an- nounced some major changes, as well as the county of San Diego, that will guide us in our “full” reopening a er all this time. However, before I share some of those major chang- es please allow me to share a few words of thanks to all our lay leaders and to the entire community. ank you to ALL our lay leaders: our ded- icated Parish Council and Return Team and to all those under their direction who stepped in to help; our diligent Philoptochos ladies, our committed Sunday School, our devoted Greek School, our dedicated GOYA group and all those groups and individu- als under their direction who came togeth- er to help keep our parish safe and healthy through these unprecedented and (especially in the beginning months) uncertain times. I would also like to thank our o ce sta for their patience and dedication to our com- munity and for their ability to be exible and always open to the changes that some- times took place very quickly. ank you to all those who shared their Time, Talent, and Treasure with our faith community as they helped to navigate our parish through some very di cult times and decisions. I take this opportunity to thank the entire community for your trust, support, and en- couragement through this historic event. Your parish leadership appreciates your pa- tience, respect, and prayers throughout these several long months that are now behind us. Hopefully, you know that every decision we made was in an e ort to properly guide and protect you and your family members. Given all that has taken place, I am con dent and comfortable and stand by the decisions we have made throughout the Pandemic in our e ort to keep everyone safe and healthy not only as a faith community but as good neigh- bors and as good citizens. With each of us doing his /her part we weathered the storm well and are now back, fully. us, having heard from our Governor I am pleased to announce that the need to RSVP for the divine services has been discontin- ued. Hence, you will no longer need to RSVP to join us in the Sanctuary. We do however ask that if you have not been fully vaccinat- ed that you follow the CDC guidelines stat- ing that if you are going to be inside for any length of time to continue wearing your face mask. You will not be requested or required to share your vaccination status. We will be using the “honor system” and ask that you “self-attest” by wearing your mask if you have not been fully vaccinated (for many and varied reasons). Also, for those who feel safer wearing a mask and are not yet ready to re- move it while inside please continue to do so. Let us continue to support and encourage one another whether we are wearing our masks or not for Saint Paul reminds us: Now I plead with you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, let there be no division among you... (I Cor. 1:10). As we now quickly return to some form of “normalcy” there will be other signi cant and noticeable changes like, the elimina- tion of the six feet of physical distancing, the Sunday Worship Guide being available in hard copy, the reception of antithoron at its proper time, the veneration of icons and continues 3 IN THIS ISSUE FR. ANDREW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 1 PRESIDENT OF THE PARISH COUNCIL, WOMEN OF THE WORD, AHEPA, SUNDAY SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 2 DIVINE SERVICES, NEWS FROM THE LOFT, 40-DAY BLESSINGS, BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS, MEMORIALS. . . . . . . . . . . p. 3 PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS, GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL . . . . . . . . p. 4 GOYA NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5 PARISH CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 6 PAPANICOLAOU SCHOLARSHIP, GRADUATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 7 CONTACT INFORMATION. . . . . . . . . . . p. 8 The Shepherd The official newsletter publication for the parish of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church of San Diego I S S U E 3 0 2 • J U LY 2 0 2 1 Happy Summer! Καλό Καλοκαίρι!