
4 THE SHEPHERD • JULY 2021 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL Enrollment for new students is taking place in the summermonths. You can ndmore infor- mation and easy to ll out registration forms and pay for tuition on our School website at http://www.stspyridongreekschool.org or you can also email me directly at athenakotinopoulos@gmail.com or call at 619 992-4452. CHILDREN CLASS SCHEDULE (2 HRS PER WEEK) – CLASSES BEGIN SEPT. 9 Tuition per semester is $230 per child and $180 for each additional child. Books and materials are included. Pre-K and K ursday OR Friday 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Beginning Level ursday OR Friday 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Intermediate Level ursday OR Friday 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Advanced Level ursday OR Friday 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. ADULT CLASS SCHEDULE (2 HRS PER WEEK) – CLASSES BEGIN SEPT. 7 Tuition is $300 per semester (18 classes). Books are not included. In-Person: Beginners A (1st Smstr) u 6:30–8:30 PM Intermediate A (1st Smstr) u 6:30–8:30 PM Intermediate C (3rd Smstr) u 6:30–8:30 PM Advanced TBD Online via Zoom: Beginners A (1st Smstr) Sat 12:30–2:30 PM Beginners B (2nd Smstr) u 6:30–8:30 PM Intermediate A (1st Smstr) Sat 10AM–12PM ΚΑΛΟ ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙ! HAVE A GREAT SUMMER! Athena Kotinopoulos Georges, M.Ed. Greek Language School Director Direct: 619-992-4452 athenakotinopoulos@gmail.com EDITOR’S NOTE: URLs in this newsletter are live in the online version at www.theshepherdnews.com. However, many readers prefer to enter them directly in their browsers. In order to facilitate the process of typing long URLs, we use www.bitly.com to shorten some of them. You are welcome to do the same before submitting your long URLs for publishing. Thank you for your consideration. PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS With grace, compassion and love, Marian Dougenis has led our Saint Spyridon Anthousa Chapter of Philoptochos as President for the past four years. Under her faithful and dynamic leadership, our chapter has thrived and been united in its pursuit to ful ll the Philoptochos mission of charitable outreach. We thank Marian for her spirited dedication and service to our Anthousa community. On Sunday, June 6th, the newly elected 2021-23 Anthousa Board of Directors was sworn in by Father Andrew. It is my honor to serve as incoming President and to warmly welcome the new and returning board members of our dynamic 2021 -2023 leadership team! Look for chapter updates throughout the summer and plan on joining us for our Summer Ice Cream Social on Sunday, July 18th! Currently not a member – please consider joining us! https://www.anthousa.org/Anthousa_Membership.html With love in Christ – So a Samouris, Anthousa Chapter President Please follow us on Facebook So a Samouris – President Marilyn Yeatts – 1st Vice President Vicky Mellos – 2nd Vice President Stella Pappas – Corresponding Secretary Sasha Savvides – Recording Secretary Francesca Captain – Treasurer Maria Stokes – Assistant Treasurer Melanie Anastopulos Anthea Billings Ioanna Capetanakis Niki Dougenis Marian Dougenis – Advisor Lynn Jury Julie Karagianides Harriet Kounaves Christina Marantos Kelly Samouris Christine Tradas Irene Veca We all for an ice cream social! Here’s the scoop… Come join our Philoptochos Anthousa Chapter for a fun afternoon of refreshments, fellowship, and a craft project too! Sunday, July 18, 2021, 3 to 6 p.m. at the home of Marina Marinos 1355 Dehesa Ranch Road, El Cajon, CA 92019 Hosted by Marguerite Apostolas &Marina Marinos RSVP by July 15 to Christine Tradas at 619-253-4153