
1 THE SHEPHERD • JULY 2022 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO FROM THE DESK OF FATHER ANDREW www.theshepherdnews.com The Shepherd Newsletter Rejoice in the Lord al- ways; again, I say rejoice (Phil. 4:4). My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, WOW! What an amazing festival weekend. A huge THANK YOU goes out to our festival leadership team and to all those who helped out before, during and af- ter the festival. What a sight to see all of us working together once again in an e ort to share our culture with our guests who came to be with us for the weekend. ere were so many who o ered their thanks for bringing back the festival at the right time. ey were as enthused and excited as we were “to be back” as they certainly felt our hospitality/ φιλοξενία and love. e food was once again plentiful and tasty and the sweets were delicious. e dancers were fun to watch and it was warming to see the smiles on everyone’s face. e (new) de- sign and layout seemed to run smoothly and e ciently. e crowds were large and steady but orderly and joyful. e weather was great and the atmosphere on our grounds was once again jubilant. All of this (and much more) is cause for our rejoicing. I know we all shared a little uncer- tainty and concern about the size, date, par- ticipation, etc. of this year’s festival but with the help of God and everyone’s positive atti- tude it all came together and fell into place and was much appreciated by our guests. We are all thankful and joyful for a wonder- ful festival weekend (as we should be). Let us bring that same enthusiasm, thankful- ness and joy to the celebration of Sunday’s divine services and other Sacraments of the Church. Let us bring that same joy and grat- itude every time we make our way to 3655 Park Blvd. for whatever reason. Let us bring that joy and appreciation for all the gi s and blessings our Great God grants to us at all times. Let us bring that joy and thankfulness every time we re ect upon the saving work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (He- brews 13:8), +A IN THIS ISSUE FR. ANDREW, YOUTH MINISTRIES ...... p. 1 PRESIDENT OF THE PARISH COUNCIL, PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS, WOMEN OF THE WORD ................................................. p. 2 CHOIR, MEMORIALS, DIVINE SERVICES, HOLY SACRAMENTS, BOOKSTORE, DEATHS, MEMORIALS............................. p. 3 GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL, GOYA NEWS, GRADUATES .................... p. 4 GREEK FESTIVAL ...................................... p. 5 CALENDAR................................................. p. 6 GREEK FESTIVAL VOLUNTEERS ........... p. 7 CONTACT INFORMATION ...................... p. 8 The Shepherd The official newsletter publication for the parish of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church of San Diego I S S U E 3 1 4 • J U LY 2 0 2 2 Saint Spyridon Youth Ministries NEEDYOU! Our Youth Ministries Programs include Hope and Joy , GOYA , Greek Dance , and Youth Choir , and cannot happen without Volunteers! Our goal for the coming school year is that every Saint Spyridon family volunteer in some way. ere are many ways to help! Helping with fundraisers, teaching dance, prepping Kids Corner, Fellowship, Sunday School teaching or assisting, Youth Group Activities, Social Media, Chaperoning, and so much more! For just an hour per week, or two hours per month, you can make such a di erence in the spiritual lives of the kids and teens in our church! We hope you will consider joining our Saint Spyridon Youth Ministries! If you are interested, please email sundayschool.stspyridon@gmail.com Greek Festi v aL 51 IS IN THE BOOKS! SEE PAGE 7