1 THE SHEPHERD • JULY 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO FROM THE DESK OF FATHER ANDREW My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I share with you once again the importance of your presence at the Di- vine Liturgy throughout the summer months. Subsequently, I take this opportunity to remind you that the op- erating expenses of our beloved Saint Spyr- idon parish do not cease throughout the summer months as well. Just like your own personal operating expenses, i.e. mortgage payments / rent, car payments, credit card payments, utilities, etc., which do not take a break throughout the summer months, nor do the operating expenses of your parish here on Park Blvd. The same payments and bills have got to be met and paid throughout the summer months as they do throughout the entire year. Because of your generosity and positive response, our 2024 stewardship ef- forts continue to grow and bear good fruit. However, for many and varied reasons meet- ing our operational expenses throughout the summer has always been a challenge, but the good news is that it has gotten better. So, with a little conscientious hard work the challenge to meet our operational expenses through- out the summer can be met and overcome. Hence, it is now up to each and every re- sponsible steward of our parish to meet and overcome this challenge. You can do your part by continuing to fulfill your 2024 pledged stewardship amount throughout the summer months. As you made your 2024 stewardship pledge at the beginning of the year, I along with the Stewardship Committee of our par- ish, are encouraging you to continue to fulfill that pledged amount on a weekly or monthly basis throughout the summer months. We THANK YOU in advance. Let’s continue our good and honorable work of “cheerful giv- ing” for the financial health of our parish (II Cor. 9:6,7). Enjoy your summer, be safe and keep pray- ing, making the Divine Liturgy and every- thing that flows from it a priority in your life, +A. ADVERTISE IN THE SHEPHERD NEWSLETTER! BUSINESS ADS AND PERSONAL GREETINGS & ANNOUNCEMENTS AVAILABLE AT LOW RATES FOR DETAILS, EMAIL INFO@THESHEPHERDNEWS.COM OR CALL 858.292.6070 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! www.theshepherdnews.com The Shepherd Newsletter The Shepherd The official newsletter publication for the parish of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church of San Diego I S S U E 3 3 8 • J U LY 2 0 2 4 IN THIS ISSUE PRESIDENT OF THE PARISH COUNCIL, WOMEN OF WORD, STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE .............................................. p. 2 NEWS FROM THE LOFT, DIVINE SERVICES, HOLY SACRAMENTS, MEMORIALS, BIRTHS, DEATHS, PAPANICOLAOU SCHOLARSHIP ...........................................p. 3 YOUTH MINISTRIES ................................. p. 4 GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL, YOUNG AT HEART SENIORS ................. p. 5 DANCE & CHORAL .................................. p. 6 PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS, BOOKSTORE p. 7 GREEK FESTIVAL PHOTOS ..................... p. 8 PARISH CALENDAR ................................. p. 10 CONTACT INFORMATION....................... p. 12 Greek Festi v aL 2024 St. Spyridon Festival Committee extends our heartfelt thanks for yet another successful event! We thank our amazing vol- unteers whose willingness to work tirelessly for months lead- ing up to the festival, all weekend long, and even after the festival, is greatly appreciated! Your dedication and hard work was essential to the festival’s success. We also thank everyone who generously supported the festival with donations, sponsorships, advertisements, and of course contributions throughout the entire weekend. We are filled with gratitude to everyone who came out and made this festival unforgettable. Thank you! In Christ, The Festival Committee