
6 THE SHEPHERD • JULY 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Congratulations to Dr. Alexandros Stavropoulos and Dr. Georgios Stavropoulos for their significant accomplish- ments in graduating from Medical School. Their dedication, passion, and desire to help their communities as a prima- ry care physician and neurosurgeon, respectively, will have significant positive impacts on their future patients.Wishing them continued successes on their educational and profes- sional journeys. Best Wishes, Anastasia Kyriakidis Sponsored Announcement DANCE & CHORAL Everyone looks forward to our per- formance at the annual Greek Fes- tival. There’s nothing quite like the energy that radiates from having our entire congregation present for two full days of hard work and thousands of exuberant visitors join us on the dance floor. For our 53rd annual fes- tival, not only did Ta Spiridonakia and Pelagos perform with a few new members, but we were blessed to be joined by an entire group of 17 new young adult dancers, Parea ! In just a few weeks they put together an ex- traordinary set of new dances with complicated but flawlessly executed variations. For many young adults, this group, directed by Maria Dou- genis Terris and ReneeMaude , was a return to the dance floor but for oth- ers, it was their very first time! Most importantly the group was touched by the magic we have all experienced over the last few years, the uncanny way that Greek dance seems to bring out the camaraderie and friendship amongst strangers who share a love for Greek music and culture. We can’t wait until the fall, when we will grow our dance school even further, with the expansion of our elemen- tary and middle school groups and the addition of adult beginner and advanced groups! Keep an eye out for the announcement when regis- tration opens in early September. If you or someone you know is inter- ested in joining a group, or teaching, please call 714-931-2431 or email stspyridongreekdance@gmail.com Alexandra Mouzas DRE# 00969679 International President’s Circle & Diamond Society Celebrating 36 years Alex@AlexandraMouzas.Com • AlexandraMouzas.Com 619-518-2755 Sponsored Announcement