7 THE SHEPHERD • AUGUST 2021 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO LIBRARY & BOOKSTORE SUMMER READING FOR OUR TIME As we come together again in our Church and community a er a long season of loss, separation, and chal- lenges to our very lives, it is more important than ever for us to renew our sense of understanding and trust in our Orthodox faith, the rock upon which we can build a stronger way of relating to one another and our trou- bled world. Dr. Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou has given us a tremen- dous gi in her new book examining an essential foundation of our life in Christ, the phronema , or mindset that unites both mind and heart in our journey of salvation. inking Orthodox: Understanding and Acquiring the Orthodox Christian Mind Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou, Ph.D. Ancient Faith Publishing (November 15, 2020) ISBN: 978-1-944967-70-3 inking Orthodox o ers the read- er a sweeping insight to the nature of Eastern Orthodox thought and a comprehensive comparison to the prevalent mindsets behind Western Christianity, both Roman Catholic and Protestant. It serves as a compel- ling guide for anyone exploring Or- thodoxy, those who have converted, and those born into the faith, all the while engendering insight and com- passion among these viewpoints. e rst 35 pages alone are worth the price of the book and the shi in perspective it a ords. Dr. Constantinou presents her teach- ing in a highly readable style that is satisfying to both academic and lay readers. Her voice is at once author- itative, but tempered with a gentle humility. We live in a time when the opinions and assumptions of the individual are considered primary, where truth has become arbitrary and personalized, and deductive reasoning is prized beyond those aspects of life that continually defy reasoning. Dr. Constantinou is not against science and rational thought, but puts them in a clear context of spiritual knowing that supersedes mere human intellect. e strongest component of Dr. Con- stantinou’s book is her exposition of the relationship between the Holy Scriptures, Tradition, and the writ- ings of the earliest founders of the Church in creating a distinctive Or- thodox worldview. She is careful to point out the pitfalls of approaching these pillars of faith without proper respect and scholarship. She unfolds the path to nding con dence in our Orthodox beliefs through an under- standing and reliance upon a way of thinking that has withstood the as- saults of historical, political, and cul- tural change. She sets a rm founda- tion upon which we can continue to grow in faith, love, and understand- ing without falling prey to idle spec- ulation or adherence to the plethora of isms that have plagued the history of Christianity. For anyone seeking to wed his or her mind and heart to Christ in His Church, this volume is an invaluable resource. Reviewed by Kay Harkins Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou, Ph.D. Understanding and Acquiring the ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN MIND thinking orthodox Constantinou thinking orthodox p h r o n e m a If you wish to learn more about how you can serve in our Sunday School, please email Julie Dennis, sundayschool.stspyridon@gmail.com Sign up TODAY to become our newest volunteer! Want to Help St. Spyridon Kids and Teens? SUNDAY SCHOOL MINISTRY TEAM Sunday School is looking for Teachers, Classroom Assistants, Service Project Coordinator, & Christmas Pageant Leader. BECOME SOMEO NE'S HERO! JOIN OUR SUNDA Y SCHOOL TEAM! SUNDA Y SCHOOL STARTS SEPTEMBE R 12TH. If you wish to learn more about how you can serve in our Sunday School, please email Julie Denni s, sundayschool.stspyridon@gmail.com Sign up TODAY to beco e our newest volunteer! Want to Help St. Spyridon Kids and Tee s? Sunday School is looking for Teachers, Classroom Assistants, Service Project Coordinator, & Christmas Pageant Leader. BECOME SOMEONE 'S HERO! JOIN OUR SUND AY SCHOOL TEAM! SUNDAY SCHOOL STARTS SEPTEMBER 12TH. If you wish to learn more about how you can serve in our Sunday School, please email Julie Dennis, sundayschool.stspyridon@gmail.com Sign up TODAY to become our newest olunteer! Want to Help St. Spyridon Kids and Teens? SUNDAY SCHOOL MINISTRY TEAM Sunday School i looking for Teach rs, Classroom Assistants, Service Project Coordinator, & Christmas Pageant Leader. BECOME SOMEO NE'S HERO! J I UR SUNDA Y SCHOOL TEAM! SUNDA Y SCHOOL STARTS SEPTEMBE R 12TH. If you wish to learn more about how you can serve in our Sunday School, please e ail Julie ennis, sundayschool.stspyridon@gmail.com Sign up TODAY to become our newest volunteer! BECOME SOMEONE'S HERO! JOIN OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL TEAM! SUNDAY SCHOOL STARTS SEPTEMBER 12TH. Greek Heritage at the Ballpark is Back! COME WATCH YOUR SAN DIEGO PADRES VS. ARIZONA DIAMOND BACKS! SUNDAY AUGUST 8, 2021 1:10PM Time to be all together again! Tickets are available now through the link and QR Code. Section 123 at Petco Park $46.50 All proceeds benefit St. Spyridon Choir https://tinyurl.com/yy7xkf96 Free Baseball Cap for All Greek Heritage at the Ball ark is Back!