
1 THE SHEPHERD • AUGUST 2022 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO FROM THE DESK OF FATHER ANDREW www.theshepherdnews.com The Shepherd Newsletter e following hymn is taken form the Parak- lesis Service chanted to the eotokos during the Fi een Days of August . With most serious ail- ments / and with the passions so dark / I am being tested, O Virgin / Come and bring help to me; / For I have known of you / at you are without fail / the endless treasure of cures / Only all blameless One On Monday, August 1, 2022 the Church once again begins our corporate summer Fast and prayer to the eotokos. It is once again a time to fast as we prepare to mark the season and signi cance of the eotokos in the life of the Orthodox Church and in our personal lives as well. e Fi een Days of August reminds Ortho- dox Christians about the place and honor the eotokos has in our theology. As truly the Mother of God ( eo-tokos) through her intercessions, on our behalf, she is seen as protectress and healer. It is interesting to note that in the 5th Century there was a erce de- bate about her title: eotokos. Subsequent- ly, in 451 AD the Ecumenical Council in Ephesus was called to deal with this issue of title. It is also interesting to note, is that the title eotokos was an acceptable one used by the faithful Christians for many centuries up until the 5th century debate. From his book e Orthodox Church by Bishop Kallistos Ware he puts it this way: What Mary bore was not loosely united to God, but a single and undivided person, who is God and man at once. e name eotokos safeguards the unity of Christ’s person: to deny her this title is to separate the Incarnation into two, breaking down the bridge between God and humanity and erecting within Christ’s person a middle wall of partition. us, we can see that not only titles of devotion were involved at Ephesus, but the very message of salvation. e same primacy that the word homoousios [of the same essence] occupies in the doctrine of the Trinity, the eotokos holds in the doctrine of the Incarnation. My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, as we pon- der the awesomeness of the Incarnation of Christ, we cannot discredit or downplay the role the Virgin Mary was called upon to carry out as she gave birth toGod theWord . rough her free will consent, she brought forth our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the second per- son of the Holy Trinity. It is with this correct understanding therefore, that throughout the ages the eotokos has been sought a er and prayed through for protection and healing, blessings that have no doubt come by Him whom she brought forth, her beloved Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. erefore, keeping with the Holy Tradition of the Church, in seeking divine help through the intercession of the eotokos, we will once gather for corporate prayer as we li up our voices to her for health and well-being. Paraklesis services will be o ered on Mon- day evening, August 1st and Wedensday evening, August 10th at 6:30pm . e Parak- lesis service will also be o ered at 10:00am on Wednesday morning, August 3rd and Wednesday morning, August 8th and Fri- day morning, August 12th. Please make every e ort to be present to help pray for the sick, the su ering and for those held in captivity . Our season to commemo- rate and honor the eotokos will culminate on Monday morning, August 15th at 10:00 am with the celebration of a Divine Liturgy in her honor. e Orthros service will begin at 9:00am. Also, please return your names to Fr. Andrew well before each Paraklesis Ser- vice and make every e ort to be present for the services to be part of the prayers for our loved ones. +A IN THIS ISSUE FR. ANDREW ............................................. p. 1 PRESIDENT OF THE PARISH COUNCIL, BOOKSTORE, WOMEN OF THE WORD. p. 2 CHOIR, MEMORIALS, DIVINE SERVICES, HOLY SACRAMENTS, BIRTHS, MEMORIALS, STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE ................. p. 3 YOUTH MINISTRIES ................................ p. 4 GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL, AHEPA, SENIORS ..................................................... p. 5 CALENDAR................................................. p. 6 PARISH COUNCIL .................................... p. 7 CONTACT INFORMATION ...................... p. 8 The Shepherd The official newsletter publication for the parish of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church of San Diego I S S U E 3 1 5 • AU G U S T 2 0 2 2