3 THE SHEPHERD • AUGUST 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2: Paraklesis 6:30 PM FRIDAY, AUGUST 4: Paraklesis 10:00 AM SUNDAY, AUGUST 6: Holy Transfiguration of the Lord Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : II Peter 1:10-19 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 17:1-9 MONDAY, AUGUST 7: Paraklesis 6:30 PM WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9: Paraklesis 10:00 AM FRIDAY, AUGUST 11: Paraklesis 6:30 PM SUNDAY, AUGUST 13: 10th Sunday of Matthew Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : I Corinthians 4:9-16 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 17:14-23 MONDAY, AUGUST 14: Vespers 6:30 PM TUESDAY, AUGUST 15: The Falling Asleep of the Holy Theotokos Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Philippians 2:5-11 ✟ Gospel : Luke 10:38-42, 11:27-28 SUNDAY, AUGUST 20: 11th Sunday of Matthew Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : I Corinthians 9:2-12 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 18:23-35 SUNDAY, AUGUST 27: 12th Sunday of Matthew Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Ephesians 6:10-17 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 19:16-26 DIVINE SERVICES WEDDINGS JUL 8: Katerina Hitchcock & Joshua Cortez Koumbares: Angeliki Hitchcock & Vasiliki Hitchcock 2 WOMEN OF THE WORD 1 FR. ANDREW DEATHS JUN 23: Diogenes (Dodge) Galanos 83 years old BAPTISMS JUN 24: Daphne Alexandria Zamonis Godmother: Athena Sisco MEMORIALS JUL 16: Eugenia Krutuliene 40 days Athanasia (Sue) Gotses 40 days Danny Gotses 12 years Those who lost their lives in 1974 Turkish Invasion of Cyprus 49 years JUL 30: James Vlachopoulos 3 years In other words, St. Peter was ready and willing to risk tri- al and tribulation because of his eyewitness account and his willingness to preach and teach it because of his faith and conviction in Jesus Christ and what he experienced on Mt. Tabor. He was ultimately martyred in Rome around 67 AD. He was most likely brought before the authorities and asked to quit making up myths about Jesus. He was warned that if the fables did not stop he would face persecution and even the death penalty. Because of his eyewitness experience of the Transfiguration, and the conviction that God had called him to be His prophet (His mouthpiece), St. Peter continued to speak boldly about Christ, and in the end paid the ulti- mate price. Besides the Holy Trinity being revealed on Mt. Tabor what does the Transfiguration mean to us as Orthodox Christians? Sometimes, living in this world can be very challenging and difficult. Because we believe in the reality of a Great God sending His only begotten Son to save His creation (you and me) the hardships, trials, and tribulations that we endure can at times seem unbearable. Indeed, the Transfiguration gives us a glimpse of God’s glory . It foreshadows Christ’s future glo- ry when He will usher in the Kingdom of God for His faith- ful. He reminds us that He is real and that at His awesome second coming He will fulfill His promise to grant eternal life to all those who have stood firm in the faith and have believed in the awesome reality that truly He is God and has the power and authority to save our souls and bodies. Amen. +A. And here’s how we’re supposed to do it. First, put on/take on His yoke. But what is that yoke? What does it mean? How do we take it on? The footnote in our Orthodox Study Bible (p.1288) says, “Jesus’ yoke is submission to the Kingdom of God” following His commandments, His teachings and above all, His exam- ple. Christ wants us to join Him and align our work attached to Him. In former times, oxen were yoked to- gether with a wooden bar set over their neck and shoulders so that they could work side by side as one team. Christ offers us something similar with one big exception – as we walk side by side with Him, He is our teacher – “learn from me,” He says, showing us how He does the work – with gentleness, caring for the other, with love and above all “not seeking our own” but with humility and not with disturbance. And in this way, we will find rest for our souls. “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Our OSB footnote continues, “A yoke could be seen as a sign of hardship, burdens, and responsibili- ties, but in Christ, the yoke is easy, for the power of God works in each person” through the Holy Spirit and with the help of the Theotokos and of the saints whom we call upon in our hour of need to lighten our load, to learn to love our service, and to turn our labor into one of love. We pray that all may have a most fruitful 15 Days of August and bless- ed Feasts of the Holy Transfiguration and Dormition of the Theotokos. With Love in Christ, +The Women of the Word Bible Study Group We are very happy to announce that our search for a new Office Adminis- trator has resulted in the hiring of our own Christine Tradas . She brings with her a great deal of professional experience and talent and we are blessed to have her join our church office. We welcome her with warmth and gratitude as she steps into a role that is vital to the life of our Parish. Christine, we thank you for your service to our church and commitment to our community. Welcome to the team! St. Spyridon Personnel Committee PANARCADIANS Dear members, We will be dark for the summer months but will resume our month- ly meetings on the last Thursday of September on 9/28/23. Have a great summer. Fred Georggin