
7 THE SHEPHERD • AUGUST 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO YAL Conference 2023 will take place Labor Day weekend August 31 – September 4, 2023 , at the Hy- att Regency Orange County hotel, 11999 Harbor Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92840. The theme of this year’s Conference is FULFILL! “I call to God Most High, to God who fulfills His purpose for me” (Psalm 57:2). The Conference is a full, three-and a-half-day all-inclusive weekend event where you will be enriched by engaging social events, inspiring workshops led by your favorite cler- gy and church leaders, participating in a Diakonia project, enjoying the vibrant sights of Orange County, and worshiping together. This year’s offsite event is “Rock N YAL” taking place at the iconic House of Blues Concert venue! No matter where you come from, the committee invites you to join us for a weekend of faith, fellowship, service, and communi- ty. There is no better place to spend Labor Day weekend than with your YAL Family. I met my closest friends and Koum- bari through YAL and my beautiful wife Stephanie. YAL is such an im- portant ministry in our Holy Ortho- dox Church, as young adults are on their own for the first time making their own decisions. As parents, we want our children to put God and the Church first and foremost in their lives and being together once or twice a year with 500 plus Orthodox Christians all of the same faith truly helps this process. If you are ages 18- 30 I highly recommend you spend Labor Day in Garden Grove - you won’t be sorry. Still not convinced? Talk to ZoeMaude, Maggie Samouris or Athena Huntalas. Last year they all went to YAL right here in San Diego and had a fabulous time. If you have any questions please reach out to me or go to this link for more details: https://theshepherdnews.com/YAL23 Bill Navrides College Connection Coordinator San Diego Loyal is excited to celebrate Greek Night for our 3rd year in a row! Come out and support SD Loyal and your very own Kathy Meck, who will be singing the National An- them! For every ticket purchased, $5 will be donated back to St. Spyridon’s Dance and Choral School. Every buyer will also receive an SD Loyal swag goodie bag that you will be able to pick up on matchday. Purchase your tickets today! Scan the QR code or type this URL in your browser: https://theshepherdnews.com/loyal San Diego Loyal vs. Las Vegas Lights FC Sunday, September 24th, at 3:00PM MORE INFO: • Section 105 • Ticket Cost: $30 (includes a $5 donation) • Ticket Includes A swag bag for everyone! • For questions, contact Stefani Polonia at (619) 790 7118 or stefanip@sdloyal.com Dear Seniors, Thank you to the Parashos Family for hosting July’s luncheon in memory of Pete Parashos. May his memory be eternal. We enjoyed amazing Greek food from Olympic Cafe, and had a wonderful time connecting with friends, sharing stories, and playing games. Please join us for our next gathering on Tuesday, August 8th at 11am . Lunch and refreshments will be provided. RSVP to Cynthia Samarkos at 619-582-4109 before Sunday, Au- gust 6th so we can plan accordingly. We hope to see you all there! New members are always welcome. Meetings typically take place in the Church Hall, on the second Tuesday of each month. Details are posted in the newsletter each month. If you have any questions, please call Sophia at (619) 855-2991. SENIORS