3 THE SHEPHERD • SEPTEMBER 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3: 13th Sunday of Matthew Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : I Corinthians 16:13-24 ✟ Gospel : Matthew 21:33-42 FRIDAY, SEPT. 8: The Nativity of the Holy Theotokos Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Philippians 2:5-11 ✟ Gospel : Luke 10:38-42, 11:27-28 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10: Sunday before Holy Cross Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Galatians 6:11-18 ✟ Gospel : John 3:13-17 THU., SEPT. 14: The Elevation of The Life-Giving Cross Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : I Corinthians 1:18-24 Gospel : John 19:6-11, 13-20, 25-28, 30 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17: Sunday after Holy Cross Procession of the Cross with the tray of basil Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : Galatians 2:16-20 ✟ Gospel : Mark 8:34-38; 9:1 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24: 1st Sunday of Luke Orthros : 9:00 AM ✟ Divine Liturgy : 10:00 AM Epistle : II Timothy 3:10-15 ✟ Gospel : Luke 5:1-11 DIVINE SERVICES 1 FR. ANDREW STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE Dear Fellow Sojourner: As the summer season moves into September, I have heard more “buzz” going around about families return- ing from vacations and re-entering a new school year. The same is hap- pening here in our household. As we prepare for a new school and Ecclesiastical Year, we are now re- minded of the importance of our “church community” and what it means to all of us as we face new challenges in our lives. And, of course, new opportunities are open- ing for us as we plan continuing re- pairs to the property, are working diligently on the new Sunday School year, and many, many (youth) activi- ties and communal events. So, please take a moment to check the status of your stewardship/con- tribution to the Church so we can continue to provide for you and your family. You may do this online at www.stspyridon.org or pay through ACH or call the church office at 619- 297-4165. We are excited for this New Eccle- siastical Year and look forward to serving you and your family. I look forward to being with you and praying with you Sunday in and Sunday out. As Father Andrew has reminded us over the last 17 years – “everything flows from the Divine Liturgy.” Your support of the parish’s Stewardship Program allows us to robustly provide this sacred blessing and the forty-three ministries of the Church. May you have a wonderful, safe and blessed September. John Kalas, Chairperson 40-DAY BLESSINGS AUG 6: William Jeong-Pyo Park and Vasilios Ioannis Sons of William and Anastasia Demps MEMORIALS JUL 23: George E. Koutros 1 year JUL 30: Diogenes Galanos 40 days AUG 13: Katherine Navrides 2 years Paraskevi Savvides 23 years Savvas Savvides 16 years Ypatia Patriotou 1 year SEP 17: Christiana Harrison 3 years Mary Gikas 3 years Greetings Friends of the Choir, Summer has come to an end, and we are beginning to prepare for fall. Wow!!! Where does the time go? The Dance and Choral School is hav- ing a fundraiser with the San Diego Loyal. If you like soccer, you will want to come to the game – Sunday, September 24th . See the flyer in the newsletter on how to purchase your tickets. A very happy belated birthday to our Ellie Mae! May God continue to bless you for many years to come. The choir wishes Mark Arapostathis a terrific birthday. Enjoy your day Mark! Hronia polla to all who celebrated on August 15th. May our Panagia con- tinue to give you strength and good health. Singing His Praises, Katherine Loukatos Meck Choir Master NEWS LOFT FROM THE been full of tragic events since the beginning of time. How- ever, are we or should we be able to live our lives without fear, anxiety and angst having God’s promise that all tragedy, illness, corruption, and death will be totally and finally elim- inated at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ our God? It is truly a blessing and very comforting to know that He who grants eternal life to those who truly believe; He who was proclaimed by the prophets, born of a virgin and dwelt among men; He that was arrested as an innocent man, cru- cified, suffered and was buried; He who resurrected on the third day, appeared among His disciples and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father; He who hears the prayers of the faithful; He who has promised that “who- ever believes in him should not parish but have eternal life, in a place where there is no pain, sorrow, or suffering” far away from the tragedies of this world. My brothers and sisters in Christ, this is the uplifting saving message of Jesus Christ – that in the midst of any tragedy, we as Orthodox Christians must first believe in, make it our own and then teach it to others, so that no matter what the tragedy, we and others may find hope, comfort, and peace and remember to say “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it” Amen. +A. NEW OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR EMAIL ADDRESS Christine Tradas, our new Office Administrator, can now be reached by email at admin@stspyridon.org For a short time, any emails still being sent to tina@ stspyridon.org will automatically be forwarded to the new email address. Thank you!