5 THE SHEPHERD • SEPTEMBER 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Sponsored Announcements GREEK LANGUAGE SCHOOL Learning more than one language is an asset to individuals, families, and our entire society; but learning the language of your family’s mother tongue allows you to connect with them on a more personal level. You can learn about your culture, histo- ry, and traditions. This knowledge will help you better understand your family’s personality and why they act the way they do, which may help strengthen your relationships and give insight into yourself and what makes you who you are today! Devel- oping the child’s home language pro- vides the foundation for reading and writing, preparing children to be bi- literate. Being bilingual and biliterate has many benefits! Here are just a few: Cognitive Development: Individu- als who are bilingual and biliterate switch between two different lan- guage systems. Their brains are very active and flexible. Compared to their non-bilingual peers, bilingual people have an easier time at under- standing math concepts and solving word problems; developing strong thinking skills; using logic; focus- ing, remembering, and making deci- sions; thinking about language; and learning other languages. Social-Emotional Development: Being bilingual supports children in maintaining strong ties with their family, culture, and community. All of these are key parts of a child’s de- veloping identity. Bilingual children are also able to make new friends and create strong relationships using their second language—an important skill in our increasingly diverse society. Learning: School readiness and suc- cess for children who are dual or multi language learners is tied direct- ly to mastery of their home language. Bilingual and multilingual children benefit academically from knowing more than one language in many ways. Because they are able to switch between languages, they develop more flexible approaches to think- ing through problems. The ability to read and think in two (or more) different languages promotes higher levels of abstract thought, which is important in learning. People who use more than one language appear better at blocking out irrelevant in- formation, a benefit that may exist as early as seven months of age. Chil- dren who learn to read in their home language have a strong foundation to build upon when they learn a second language. They can easily apply their knowledge about reading to their second language. Long-Term Success: One-half to two-thirds of adults around the world speak at least two languages. In today’s global society, they have many advantages. Globally, bilin- gual and biliterate adults have more job opportunities than monolingual adults. Bilingual and biliterate in- dividuals have the opportunity to participate in the global community in more ways, get information from more places, and learn more about people from other cultures. Enrollment for students will contin- ue to take place this month. You can find more information and easy-to- fill-out registration forms and pay for tuition on our School website at www.sdgreekschool.org CHILDREN CLASS SCHEDULE 2 hours per week classes begin Sept. 7th Tuition per semester is $250 for the first child, and $195 for each sibling. Books and materials are included. Pre-K and K Thursday or Friday 5:00-7:00 pm Beginning Level Thursday or Friday 5:00-7:00 pm Intermediate Level Thursday or Friday 5:00-7:00 pm Advanced Level Thursday or Friday 5:00-7:00 pm ADULT CLASS SCHEDULE 2 hours per week classes begin Sept. 5th Tuition per semester is $320 (18 classes) for the first adult and $280 for each additional adult within the same immediate family. Books are not included. Classes are provided in-person or online via Zoom. We offer lessons for the following levels: Beginning, Intermediate I and II, and Advanced. Tuesday - Thursday 6:30-8:30 pm. 909 Prospect Avenue 858.35 2.6588 spiroscuisine.com Now open in the heart of La Jolla! Extensive Greek & mediterranean menu Delicious Greek desserts Fine wines, local & imported draft beer Patio for outdoor seating A fulfilling dining experience Open for lunch & dinner, 11AM to 9PM Catering for all events, big & small Online order & delivery available AT THE CORONADO FERRY LANDING 619.435.1225 WWW.SPIROSCAFE.COM Best Greek food in the region Draft beer varieties Imported & domestic wine Spacious indoor/outdoor seating Panoramic views of S.D. Bay Catering Available LOOKING FOR TEACHERS! We invite the members of the community to share our mis- sion by considering joining our teaching staff. If you are fluent in the Greek language and considering a career path that will enhance our students’ linguistic repertoire, please contact Nancy Provataris at nancyprovataris@gmail.com or (858) 616-7520. We currently have openings for youth and adult classes and would appreciate your support! Nancy Provataris, PhD Greek School Director