6 THE SHEPHERD • SEPTEMBER 2023 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO 4 YOUTH MINISTRIES Transitional Kindergarten – 1st grade (room 1), 2nd – 3rd grade (room 3), 4th – 5th grade (room 4), 6th – 8th grade (room 5), 9th – 12th grade (Youth Room). Kids’ Corner is also open each Sunday for babies, toddlers, and families in the lower Education Room. Each Sunday, Sunday School classes begin immediately after Holy Communion. Families and Sunday School Students who are present for the Divine Liturgy will receive Holy Communion first. Then, after re- ceiving Holy Communion, exit through the side door of the Sanctuary. Students walk to their classes. Classes are dis- missed at 12:05 pm. Our Volunteer Sunday School Teachers have been preparing their classes and lessons and are ready for your students! If you would like to help in a classroom or help Sunday School in some other way, please reach out to youthministries@stspyridon.org . Dance &Choral St. Spyridon Dance and Choral School is looking toward a fantastic year of singing and dancing! Greek Dance is for chil- dren and teens ages 5-18. Our dance groups are Ta Spiridon- akia (ages 5-9) and Pelagos (ages 10-18). Ta Spiridonakia practices on Sundays 12:30-1:00pm. Pelagos practices on Sundays from 1:00 – 2:30 pm and Fridays 7:00 – 8:30pm. Youth Choir is for children and teens ages 8-18. Each Sun- day, St. Spyridon children and teens can join Ms. Kathy in the choir loft to sing during the Divine Liturgy. Youth Choir practice begins on September 10th for the new school year and practices are each Sunday from 12:20 – 1:00pm. Reg- istration forms can be found on the St. Spyridon homepage and on the Youth Ministries website: https://sites.google. com /stspyridon.org/stspyridonyouthministries. San Diego Loyal is excited to celebrate Greek Night for our 3rd year in a row! Come out and support SD Loyal and your very own Kathy Meck, who will be singing the National Anthem! For every ticket purchased, $5 will be donated back to St. Spyridon’s Dance and Choral School. Every buyer will also receive an SD Loyal swag goodie bag that you will be able to pick up on matchday. Purchase your tickets today! Scan the QR code or type this URL in your browser: https://theshepherdnews.com/loyal San Diego Loyal vs. Las Vegas Lights FC Sunday, September 24th, at 3:00PM MORE INFO: • Section 105 • Ticket Cost: $30 (includes a $5 donation) • Ticket Includes a swag bag for everyone! • For questions, contact Stefani Polonia at (619) 790 7118 or stefanip@sdloyal.com