
8 THE SHEPHERD • SEPTEMBER 2024 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS I hope you have had a wonderful summer! I am excited to embark on another year of philanthropic en- deavors, compassionate giving and fellowship through our Philoptochos ministries! Philoptochos has been the philanthropic arm of the Ortho- dox Church for over 80 years. It is a testament to our Orthodox faith and community members that our past is so rich, our present so dynamic, and our future so bright. Michelle Defelippi, Marilyn Yeatts and I represented our chapter this summer at the National Philopto- chos Convention in San Diego where we celebrated 92nd Year of Philan- thropy. We were inspired by the amazing work that our organization does in the United States and around the world. I look forward to sharing more with you at our Munchies and Mimosas event on October 20th . Please join us and meet our board members, learn about our upcoming events, and the various opportuni- ties for you to volunteer your time and talents! At the foundation of our Anthousa Philoptochos Chapter is our prima- ry mission of charitable outreach through our ongoing year-round ac- tivities such as Feed-the-Poor, Agape Meals, visits & baked good deliver- ies to homebound parishioners. We are always looking for volunteers to assist with these endeavors. Chapter Members and non-members, please contact me if you would like to be added to our ongoing volunteer list so that we may call upon you to lend support as needed. FEED-THE-POOR: Our heartfelt and special thanks to Andreas Ca- petanakis for continuing to carry out our “Feeding the Homeless” pro- gram during the summer months. Please contact Jenny Capetanakis at jennycapetanakis@gmail.com if you would like to help or make a dona- tion toward these efforts. AGAPE MEALS: are offered to our community members during diffi- cult times. If you know of a family in need or are interested in volunteering in providing meals, please reach out to Marian Dougenis 619.520.3660 or mkdougenis@prodigy.net . SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP: Please consider sponsoring a Sunday Fel- lowship Hour with your friends and family by providing simple refresh- ments (donuts or bagels, fruit and juice). You can honor family mem- bers or celebrate special occasions. To sign up, please contact Christina Frangos at christinafrangos1@gmail. com. ICON ADORNMENT: Philopto- chos invites every family to com- memorate a special Feast Day in honor of your someone special by offering a donation to cover the cost of decorating the icon with beautiful fresh flowers for display in the Narthex. The liturgical year presents many opportunities to hon- or your family member and an im- portant day in the life of the Church (suggested donation is $85). Please contact Soula at 619.297-4165 or of- fice@stspyridon.org to reserve your date now. COLLEGE CONNECTION: Do you have a college-aged student in your family? Our chapter keeps your child connected with their faith and home church. Please send con- tact information to Bill Navrides at Bill.Navrides@sharp.com. MEMBERSHIP: The Anthousa Chapter of Philoptochos invites, welcomes and encourages all com- munity members to make a differ- ence in the lives of others by joining our dynamic chapter. Even if you cannot actively participate at this time, we still hope you will be part of our membership. Your pledge enables us to support many charita- ble ministries and endeavors in our parish as well as local, national and international communities. To join, please visit www.anthousa.org and click Membership. Contact Melanie Anastopulos melanieanastopulos@ gmail.com or Kalliopi Samouris ny- ckelly@cox.net with any questions. We sincerely look forward to see- ing you at our upcoming events and your participation in our ongoing Philoptochos efforts. Because of the love and generosity of our members and volunteers, we are able to make an impactful difference in the lives of others. Yours in Christ, Sofia Samouris Anthousa Chapter President 619.518.4537 | ssamouris22@gmail.com Alexandra Mouzas DRE# 00969679 International President’s Circle & Diamond Society Celebrating 36 years Alex@AlexandraMouzas.Com • AlexandraMouzas.Com 619-518-2755 Sponsored Announcement FOR SALE: Last remaining side-by-side grave plots at scenic Greenwood Mortuary in the Anastasis area. Located to the left of the Glavas grave plot. $48,000 for both. Call or email for more info: 858.504.1222 – kevin@sdthreshold.com Sponsored Announcement