
4 THE SHEPHERD • OCTOBER 2022 • SAINT SPYRIDON GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO Our school year is in full swing! So far, we have over 60 kids and teens registered for our Youth programs. It is awesome to see our Youth Ministries growing! If you haven’t plugged into our Ministries yet, there are plenty of opportunities! Please go to www. stspyridon.org to sign up for announce- ments, register for events, join Youth Groups, and PLUG IN! Click the Youth Ministries link for more information or contact Julie Dennis, Youth Ministries Director, email: youthministries@stspyridon.org or mobile: 619-940-5167. Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and Instagram: @youthstspyr- idon HOPE (H y Orthod Prim y Educati ) Our Youth Groups met together this month for Pizza at the Park! We played fun group games, learned a new evening prayer, and just enjoyed getting to know each other. If you have a child between grades TK and 6th grade, and are not on our email list, sign up now! Email youthministries@stspyridon.org GOYA (Greek Orthod Y th Associati ) GOYA (Greek Orthodox Youth Association): Did you know that GOYA was rst started in 1951 by Archbishop Michael Konstantinides GOYA groups have changed since then, but our guiding principles remain strong: Wor- ship (Liturgia), Fellowship (Koinonia), Ser- vice (Diakonia), and Witness (Martyria). St. Spyridon GOYA Youth Group kicked o the school year on September 24th at La Jolla Shores. It was so fun to see families come together to share food and faith. We even learned the Church Hymn, “O Glad- some Light.” Our October event is going to be a service project, serving our communi- ty through a local organization. Stay tuned for details! If you are not on our email list, call/text 619-940-5167 or email youthminis- tries@stspyridon.org Dance &Ch al Youth Choir began practices on September 18th! Our Youth Choir is for children and teens ages 8-18. Ms. Kathy, our Music Direc- tor, welcomes all new singers! Youth Choir practices every Sunday from 12:20 -1:00pm. Keep an ear out in Divine Services for the beautiful sounds of our youth! Dance practices began on October 2nd. If you haven’t joined us yet, we hope you will! Sunday dance practice schedule: 12:30–1:00pm: Primary Group (Kinder – 4th grade) 1:00–1:30pm: Junior Group (4th – 5th grade) 1:00–2:00pm: Middle School and High School Groups Sunday Sch l September was an exciting month for Sun- day School! We started on September 11th with the Procession of the Holy Cross. Class- es started in classrooms on September 18th. We have 6 full classes and Kids’ Corner every Sunday! On October 2nd, our Middle and High School groups participated in Service Sunday and began to dig deep into serving the Church and our community. Also on Oc- tober 2nd, our TK-5th grade classes partici- pated in our rst eme Sunday! As our theme this year is the “Light of Jesus” mem- bers of our Youth Choir and Adult Choir taught the classes the hymn, “O Gladsome Light, which is sung during Vespers. e lyr- ics are beautiful: O Gladsome Light of the Holy Glory Immortal Father, heavenly holy blessed one, Jesus Christ. Now that we have come to the setting of the sun And we see the evening light, We praise Father Son and Holy Spirit God It is worthy at all times to praise You with loud voices O Son of God, the giver of life For this the Universe Glori es You YOUTH MINISTRIES THE SENIORS ARE BACK!!!!! Although we may have had a small group of twenty at our last gathering on Tuesday, September 13th, the seniors in attendance made up for it in enthusiasm, energy and thankfulness. We were treated to an amazing complimentary luncheon of Caesar salad, shrimp, spinach dip, lasagna, garlic bread, desserts and drinks. is amazing luncheon was provided compliments of our own coordinator So- phia Mellos . ank you Sophia for your generosity and for bringing us back together! We had an a ernoon lled with lots of laughs, door prizes and overall happiness. Please join us on Tuesday, October 11th for our next gathering. We meet in the church hall on the second Tuesday of each month. In October a complimentary Mexican luncheon will be provided by our organization and we hope you are able to join us. In order to help us plan, please RSVP to Cynthia Samarkos at 619-582-4109 or email at tedcynsam@cox.net no later than Sunday, October 9th. SENIORS